Message: #100645
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 20:23

Astrological creativity. Noel Thiel

raised it to a new level of conceptualization.

Rudhyar's work was seen as humanistic as opposed to astrology, which by this time was highly event-oriented. For nearly twenty0 years in England, the dominant force in Western astrology in the early twentieth century, divination was profit oriented. The German school, tormented by the rise of Hitler, was shackled by predictions of dire circumstances. The United States followed English textbooks and practice patterns until the end of World War II.

Freud's ideas and work seemed to reflect the environment in which he lived, i.e. a prim discipline against sexuality, framed by family quarrels, social intrigues and deviations from the norm that gave vent to pent-up tension. Similarly, the theosophical movement, which proclaimed a direct penetration into the divine nature through a mystical system of religious philosophy, spread from India to England and then to the United States, inspiring adherents, and provided a springboard for Rudhyar's work.

Spread after World War II the “let's get back on track” social movement also affected astrology and pushed it towards practicality and pragmatism. This development was guided by the emerging work of the American Grant Levy and others who followed suit. In England, the work of C. E. O. Carter and John Eddy (especially the work of D. Eddy on harmonics) began to show a sincere receptivity to the humanistic dimension, the process of becoming, ways of self-fulfillment in life.

In the one960s, the Western world was taken over by the idealized “Long live the people!” motivation. The work of Rudhyar and other astrologers who echoed this theme attracted great attention, and a psychological trend began to develop in earnest in astrological analysis, especially in the United States and Switzerland.

This process of development is given much attention in this book: establishing the legacy of our development over the course of a century in parallel with psychology in order to understand man as fully as possible. While our astrology today is a macro product of thought and development over many centuries, it is also a highly focused microsystem of psychological awareness and exploration. The humanistic call to illuminate the process of becoming determines the state of our art. Every astrologer is required to be as creative as possible with astrological instruments, combined with the findings of analytical and social psychology.
Keep up with the times

Everyone living in our time is - more than ever - exposed to the threat or reality of extremes: we see what wars lead to, we experience wars, we experience losses and deep traumas. Newspapers, books, radio and, above all, television have contributed to the establishment of a global consciousness not seen before this century. We not only know what a crisis is, but our mentality has adapted to the expectation of a crisis.

We have more opportunities for education and real education experience than ever before (which is why interrupted education becomes a very important developmental deficit). We know about psychology, about experiments and discoveries that reveal our human nature. In the one9fiftys, with the rapid growth of Freudianism in America - due to the influx of European psychoanalysts during the Second World War - it has become really socially fashionable to be neurotic. We were suddenly able to buy books and read articles about dream interpretation, engage in intimate discussions about sexual issues, engage in behaviorally controlled “stimulus-response” adventures called advertising thousands of times a day.

Then, with the growth in the number of enlightened psychotherapeutic schools and the emergence of a competitive spirit in tracking down brilliant ideas, a dark stain was placed on seeking “professional help” - people asked themselves the question: why, during so many visits, discuss problems with an analyst, rummage through the mud, be stuffed with exotic medicines, etc. and furthermore, what way of thinking would be useful?

With the rapid growth of the population, the individual was lost, competitive pressure increased, and the feeling of individual crisis became all-encompassing. With rising prices for “help” and infrequent insurance payouts, marketers and consumers have created a self-help industry. It was a way for a person to resort to therapy, reducing its cost and keeping the secret.

In the midst of all this, our astrology has "come of age." Her ideas and practices were meant to reflect the environment in which we live. It was important to understand that the horoscopes that we built and studied for people living in our time did not differ from the horoscopes of those who were born earlier, at the end of the one9th century, in the oneeightth or one7th century, etc.. Horoscopes did not differ, but the reality that people lived was different.

The symbols we are now considering in the horoscope refer to the experience of human development on levels and in contexts that have never been discovered before and have never been dealt with. The psychological age has not only allowed us to know more in order to understand ourselves, but it has also given us the permission, the license, even the mandate, to do so.

Therefore, our astrology had to change, namely, the way we interpret astrological symbolism had to keep up with the times.
Modern Techniques

Let me briefly recap - to clarify some of the techniques used in this book - some of the points and observations that have been developed and presented in detail in my work Synthesis and Counceling in Astrology - The Professiona lManual".

The basic premise in the modern view of astrological practice should be to relate the horoscope to the person. This humanistic saying may seem trivial and out of place, but if we do the opposite in this process, i.e. If we associate a person with a horoscope, which is so common in astrological practice, then we will limit a person’s life to what we know about astrology and lifestyle. This is a sober thought, especially when we realize how much we cannot know through astrology: we cannot tell from a horoscope whether it belongs to a person, an animal, or a thing; man or woman; we cannot say about race; genetic influence; religious affiliation; cultural heritage; socially formed positions; fantasies; accidents and more.

When we associate a horoscope with a person, with a person's life (that is, with how he lives it), we literally and clearly introduce the horoscope into life, into a concrete life reality. A particular horoscope becomes different from other horoscopes (even in a twin situation!); the symbolism is adjusted by the skillful questions of the astrologer; individual reality is revealed in terms and dimensions of a person, a client. Then astrology can reflect the issues of human development, crises, extremes, management of energies striving for implementation. It is an orientation in alignment with the facts of life—not before or after them—and I contend that this is the way a master of his craft in astrology operates.
Accentuation of the hemispheres

The creatively oriented astrologer should include as much information about life as he can learn from an analysis of the guiding astrological factors. Accentuation of the hemispheres поможет нам in один миг уinидеть и понять ориентацию к защите и самообороне, когда большинстinо планет расположено in inосточном полушарии гороскопа (и/или когда планеты, расположенные in западном полушарии, яinляются ретроградными, приinлекая inнимание контрапунктом к inостоку). Then the following questions will guide the analysis: why was this protection needed, how much energy was spent on self-defense throughout development, how did this affect the comfortable level of relationships, how long should this state last?

We can see and understand the anxiety about the "work in progress" in childhood that the planets speak of when they are in the northern hemisphere, below the horizon (and/or when the planets above the horizon are retrograde, drawing attention with counterpoint to the north). Questions arise here: what is this unfinished business in childhood, what makes it continue in your life now, how did it affect your work, professional choices, relationships, what can we do to stop it and stop the constant drain of energy?

We can see and understand “other” orientation, often with extreme self-giveting, when most planets are located in the western hemisphere (and/or when planets located in the eastern hemisphere are retrograde, drawing attention by counterpoint to the west). Questions arise here: what happened to your own interests with such concern for others, how do you perceive your being being torn apart, what questions of self-worth are involved here, when do you think a balance can be achieved and what is needed for this?

We can see and understand the tendency to get carried away, even to become a victim, when most of the planets are located in the southern hemisphere, above the horizon (and/or when planets below the horizon are retrograde, drawing attention by counterpoint to the south). Here questions arise: why is there no anchor for development here, what is missing from the point of view of “grounding”, how did this affect the relationship?

This first impression of a horoscope is almost always decisive. I came to these observations in one0,000 cases or more - I would start a detailed conversation and almost always bring the horoscope into line with individual reality. In this process, another principle was revealed: this first impression, based on the general arrangement of the planets in the hemispheres, is repeated over and over again in all other factors. Sets the key for life composition.
Aspects to corners

Of course, with a more specific setting of the horoscope to reflect the reality of the client, modifications occur. For example, quadratures between planets and angles are a powerful accent in the accentuation of the hemispheres. Think about it for a moment: natal planet squaring Ascendant (and Descendant) more often in total will be formed from the fourth or one0th house,

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