Message: #100692
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 21:11

Astrology as the art of describing the world. Alden Taylor Mann

Beethoven 4 t b 0
Water (feeling) Longfellow 2 1 1 7
G. Casanova 1 3 1 6
Schiller 3 0 2 6
Michelangelo 1 3 2 5
G. Distribution of planets by modes. cardinal fixed mutable:

S. Baudelaire 8 0 3
M. Proust 8 2 1
F. Goya 8 1 2
P. Hindenburg 8 2 1
G. Hoover 1 9 1
J. London 1 8 2
R. Wagner 1 7 3
C.G.Jung 3 7 1
C. Chanel 1 3 7
F. Franco 2 2 7
E. Browning 4 0 7
N. Copernicus 1 3 7
3. Distribution by houses (angular, following, falling).

R. Wagner 7 1 2
S.Bolivar 7 1 2
A. Crowley 7 1 2
F. Goya 7 2 1
S. Baudelaire 3 7 0
L. V. Beethoven 1 6 3
G. Galileo 1 6 3
Michelangelo 3 6 1
P.P. Rubens 1 1 8
Spinoza 0 3 7
V. Hugo 2 1 7
Analysis Carl Gustav Jung's horoscope

There are two levels of interpretation regarding Jung's horoscope. The first level is the external events of his life: a change of residence, accidents with injuries, a change of job. But this is the surface layer of Jung's life. The second layer is the inner life, the life of the soul. In the analysis, the emphasis is shifted towards the inner life, which so strongly influenced the outer life. It is relevant that all events on the timeline cover the period from conception to 31 years of age. However, Saturn in its position corresponds to the age of 86 years, i.e. is outside of Jung's life. This corresponds to his biography, where he dwells in detail on the years of his youth up to the completion of his medical education in 1900. Then Jung writes the chapter "On life after death." “Fate decreed that all the external aspects of my life had to be random. Only the inner has become meaningful and valuable. As a result, memories of external events were erased; they had some meaning only if they coincided with phases of internal development.”

1. General remarks

A. Form - Jung's horoscope has a "pulverized" form, which indicates an even distribution of events in life, and a balanced view of the world.

B. Distribution by octaves. There is one Mars in the octave of gestation.

B. Basic aspect patterns. Jung has two fixed T-squares. One is made up of the Ascendant, Neptune and the Sun and indicates extreme sensitivity, difficult progress in life, mysticism. The other “is formed by MC, Saturn and Pluto and indicates a concentration on the formation of individuality, a fateful struggle for authority in a special field, magic.

G. Constellation. All planets are interconnected, which indicates a wonderful opportunity for integration. The most problematic planet is Neptune. Jung had to overcome an unconscious desire for destructive mediumship and exaggerated sensitivity.

D. Male and female elements are balanced, although Jung considered himself an introvert.

E. Elements. The distribution of planets according to the elements is almost uniform, Jung himself believed that the function of intuition (fire) predominates in him. This can be explained by the fact that the Sun and Uranus in Leo marks the period from 25 years to death.

G. Crosses. Jung has three planets in cardinal signs, 6 planets and Ascendant in fixed and 1 planet - Mars - in a movable sign. His life was characterized by a steadfast belief in certain principles from early childhood.

3. At home. There are 3 planets in the angular houses, 2 in the next ones, and 5 in the falling ones. It was always difficult for Jung to achieve recognition. The emphasis on falling houses signifies a trend towards exploration.

I. Management. The sun is in its sign Leo and Saturn is in its sign Aquarius. Both masculine planets are in a very strong position, indicating conflicts between the extroverted individual of the Sun in Leo and the serious, reserved humanism of Saturn in Aquarius. Pluto in exile in Taurus (the need to focus on physical security or a conservative attitude towards change). Uranus in exile in Leo (extreme individualism, spirit of adventurism and desire for personal freedom).

K. Exaltation. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, indicating constancy, deep feelings and a very strong motherly image.

2. Particular considerations

Before conception.

Sun in Leo in the 7th house. Father - ambitious, striving for public recognition; the child is necessary as an attachment to the ego; strong parental instinct.

Moon in Taurus in the 3rd house. Mother - emotional instability, depression, despondency.

The planets are not connected by aspects i.e. relationships were superficial.

Biographical Parallel: Jung's father was a Protestant pastor in a small town. He wanted to have a large family, but due to the poor health of his wife, he could not achieve this. Outwardly, he was very self-confident, but inside he was tormented by doubts about his person and religious issues.

Jung's mother was sensitive, nervous. The upcoming birth worried her very much and discouraged her. In part, her fears were confirmed. After Jung's birth, she was hospitalized and remained disabled for the rest of her life.


Point of conception in Scorpio. The father is aggressive, passionate, disharmonic. Square to the Sun - a negative attitude of the mother to sex, tension with the father. The opposition of Neptune is a kind of contact, physical trauma in the mother.

Horoscope interpretation

Not everyone interested in astrology will necessarily want to practice this art professionally, but understanding the mechanism of interpretation will still be useful, especially since astrologers themselves have not fully understood it. AT In connection with the development and wide recognition of psychology in our century, it has become possible to clarify something in this matter.

The psyche is a mysterious and often meaningless realm, and the technique of describing it must take this into account.

Astrology is often presented as a metaphysical doctrine that requires faith, but in fact it is just as logical as psychology or medicine. Astrology is an active, dynamic, ever-evolving science and art that can benefit every new generation of human civilization. Ее структура постоянна, но способы взаимодействия и проблемы, которые она рассматривает, должны быть соотнесены с языком и психофизической реальностью time.

ATысказывания Птолемея во 2 веке н.э. cannot be fully accepted now, without taking into account the then level of knowledge, only his approach must be recognized as correct. People wanted to know if they would win the war or how many children they would have, not the nature of their mental makeup. Ptolemy's predictions were very accurate and have not lost their value even now.

Cultures, civilizations, languages ​​and religions are all constantly changing, but there are still forces that run through history.

The same thing happens with astrology. AT нашем веке у астрологии плохая репутация в основном из-за ошибочных представлений тех, кто практикует ее. до каких пределов доходит невежество иных астрологов дал понять А.Кроули, описывая в книге “Полный астрологический учебник” (1917 г.) свою встречу с популярнейшим астрологом США того time Евангелиной Эванс. “This woman was earning $50,000 a year from astrology. but did not know that the solar system is disk-shaped. In 30 years of daily use of ephemerides, she did not bother to notice that Neptune takes about 15 years to pass one zodiac sign, and told her clients that Neptune being in such and such a sign means that a person has various extraordinary abilities. When it was pointed out to her that all those born within the 15-year interval have these characteristics, she was at first confused, and then expressed distrust, and when the evidence was presented to her, she was seriously angry. A. Crowley's preface is full of irony. He writes: “Astrologers make mistakes. It follows with mathematical certainty that astrology is not science, but deceit and fraud. What a huge contrast this shameful obscurity with medicine, where no doctor has ever lost a single patient, with jurisprudence, where no lawyer has ever lost a single case, and even with the military sciences, where no general has lost a single battle!.

Practicing astrologers must be competent, erudite, intelligent, sensitive and honest. If the human qualities of an astrologer are flawed, this is reflected in his interpretations and gives his clients the wrong idea about astrology itself. This applies to all who provide services of a personal nature to people, but the understanding of these things by an astrologer is doubly important. he deals with the very essence of the individual, and that is a great responsibility.

The same restrictions and rules apply to an astrologer as to psychologists, a psychiatrist, a priest, a doctor. Astrology is not a game of chance, not a private pastime, but a serious intellectual pursuit.

Astrological interpretation is a two-way process, involving the understanding of both the astrologer and the client. This contact has the potential to change the level of awareness of the client as well as the astrologer. Each new individual expands the astrologer's world as he seeks to understand a different point of view.

Everyone sees the universe from his "observation post", and the more points of view a person can assimilate, the more complete his picture of the world. Any event, any person, any reality is a particle of the whole. To achieve integrity, it is necessary to bring to consciousness as many contradictory fragments of the world mosaic as possible.

Many people think that the sole purpose of astrology is to predict the future. While this is an important part of the subject, it is by no means the only one. Interpretation represents the event, the connections between events, the state of consciousness and other components of the psyche as integral fragments of the whole. It evaluates existing data and information from the future and arranges it in relation to the present. Most people remember almost nothing until the age of 5, although it is up to this age that a person experiences the most important influences. The description of the

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