Message: #100692
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 21:11

Astrology as the art of describing the world. Alden Taylor Mann

their theories of fate and free will, the laws of action and reaction, also need practical demonstration with the help of astrology”, In a holistic vision of man, astrology found support in the psychology of the unconscious, which was developed at the turn of the century.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was among those who made attempts to find a way out of the crises of psychological thought and to find connections between mental and psychological processes. The experiments of Charcot, Mesmer, Bundt using chemical means, and sometimes other methods, did not give a satisfactory result. The link discovered by Freud is missing - dreams connecting the consciousness and the subconscious.

Freud believed that consciousness is influenced both by environmental factors and by the inherited "racial memory" of human development in previous eras, which manifests itself in childhood. Freud believed that the dominant of human behavior is sexuality and its psychoanalysis - there is a process of reduction, a process of unmasking, a purification of the sexual motive! The connections of children with their parents are determined by mythological themes, the main of which are the complexes of Oedipus and Electra.

Freud was the founder of modern psychology, but his attitude towards sexuality eventually turned into a frozen dogma. Many of his disciples had to revise an oversimplified doctrine.

Alfred Adler (1870-1937) adopted the idea of ​​"will to power". Sexuality was considered an instinctive impulse, and modern man strives for dominance, which overlaps instincts.

Carl Gustav Jung (1975-1961) broke away from Freud in 1913, disagreeing with him on the issue of libido (psychic strength or energy). Jung believed that sexuality is not the only channel of vital energy. He put forward the theory of the "collective unconscious", which is the researched specific substratum of associations, common to all people. The "collective unconscious" complements the individual unconscious, which is the sum of the acquisitions of personal experience - everything forgotten, suppressed, sublimely received.

In Psychological Types, Jung stated: “What lies behind sexuality is an attitude towards sexuality. Since this relationship is not only intuitive (i.e., unconscious), but also conscious functions, it represents a way of looking at the world. Our ideas about all problematic issues are strongly influenced by certain collective ideas that condition our thinking. These collective ideas are intimately connected with the outlook of past epochs. Whether this influence is conscious or not, nothing can be done about it, for the very air we breathe is saturated with these ideas. Collective ideas always have a religious character, and philosophical ideas become collective if they express a prototype.

The religious character of ideas stems from the fact that they express the realities of the collective unconscious and are thus capable of releasing latent energies. The main problems of life, including, of course, sexuality, are always associated with the prototypes of the collective unconscious. These archetypes are factors of balancing and compensation in the problems of life. Archetypes are simple prototypes that carry our ideas about the world. An archetype is a "deposit of memory", an imprint formed as a result of the compensation of an innumerable number of processes of a similar nature. Archetypes may take the form of mythological subjects, psychological expression, physiological or anatomical dispositions or ideas (in the classical Greek sense).

Throughout his life, Jung had recourse to astrology because he believed that treasures of psychological knowledge were being projected into the sky. He considered the signs of the Zodiac as symbols of the libido, describing the typical qualities of the libido at a given moment in time. Jung approached astrology from a scientific standpoint, warning against taking it too literally: it is a good tool only when used intelligently. In a letter to Barba in 1954, he explained the relationship between psychology and astrology: “There are many cases of amazing analogies between the horoscope and the character of a person. In a certain degree one can even predict the psychic effect of a transit (of a planet). With a high degree of probability, one can expect that this clearly defined psychological situation will be accompanied by a similar astrological configuration. Astrology, as well as the collective unconscious, consists of symbols (symbolic structures): “planets are gods, symbols of the power of the unconscious.”

Astrology is an important tool for connecting with the basic reality of a person, and in partnership with psychology, it can help achieve psychic integrity.

Jung was also interested in the symbolism of the mandala, as the representation of the self in the form of an image, within the framework of a mathematical structure. The horoscope “is a mandala in which the circle is the self and its mechanisms—including the division into light and dark halves, the system of correspondences, time sequence along the periphery and asynchronous connections through the center of the circle, specific identifications with the personality, ego, parents, environment, and mathematical structure., providing analysis, hypothesis and verification. This is the image of the individual and his relationship with the unified world.

Greater benefits involve the interaction of astrology and psychology. Astrology can use the terminology and mechanisms defined by psychology and give them a time base. Jung considered astrology and psychology to be natural sciences, and as natural sciences they belong to the same family.
Astrology and physics

The concept of the physical world underwent a complete revision in the theory of relativity by A. Einstein (1879 - 1950), where time and space were integrated through field theory. Instead of the Universe as a huge container containing solid particles, bodies were now considered as clots of energy with fields that affect the surrounding space. Fields are generated by moving particles, which are charges rather than substance.

The field concept considers not only electromagnetic fields, but gravitational ones. Equal attraction in all directions, gravitational fields bend the space around them. On the other hand, space has a curved cylindrical shape along the time axis. Thus, the geometric properties depend on the mass distribution. Hence it follows that matter, its fields, space are interconnected parts of the whole. Any point in the universe is affected by the whole. She also influences him. The Universe becomes an energy fabric, all parts of which are interconnected. This concept is of particular interest in relation to astrology. Since the body is really a bunch of energy moving in time and space, it has an electromagnetic and gravitational field. The center of the field is the physical body, and the curved space around the body is the self, represented in astrology by the circle of the horoscope. The energy of the body is equivalent to libido (psychic energy). Libido transforms itself into any form of activity.

Substance is the concept of the field and the violation of its uniformity. The planets of the horoscope concentrate and geometrically distort the hypothetically perfect field. The essence in both cases lies in the order and symmetry of the entire field. In a horoscope, the overall picture should prevail over individual planets and signs. Planets distort the field, just as events disrupt the smooth flow of life, but just like in physics, the relationship is reciprocal.

The concept of time has also been revised. In classical mechanics, it is an absolute frame of reference, like pure space. This means that events occur in an objective sequence that is identical for all observations. Einstein showed that events would be perceived differently by each individual observer.

Each individual horoscope has its own space-time reference system. Events that happen to an individual are always correlated with him.

Space and time in modern physics are indistinguishable and interdependent, and represent a space-time continuum. In astrology, the horoscope correlates the time and space of the individual throughout his life path.

The most persistent criticism of astrology is due to the use of the geocentric system. However, thanks to the theory of relativity, the Earth again turned out to be the center of the way the Universe should be considered in relation to the earthly observer. In modern astrophysics, the study of such phenomena as the expansion of the Universe, redshift, etc. takes into account the central position of the Earth in space. Astrophysicist Carter said: “Our position in The Universe is to some extent privileged, because by definition the Earth is the center of the observable Universe.

The two main principles of microparticle physics are uncertainty and complementarity. Both principles are connected with the duality of things. The nature of light, matter, electromagnetic radiation is such that they can exist both in the form of waves and in the form of particles. A particle considered in time turns out to be a wave. The wave pattern is determined by the period of the particle's movement, but its exact location can only be known from the node of the equivalent wave. In physics, a particle and a wave are complementary. The location of the particle is indefinite, there is only the probability of its being at each point. It can be known either the position of the particle or its momentum, but never both factors at the same time.

The following quote from Capra's Tao of Physics is related to astrological predictions: “The uncertainty of the position of an event in time is thus related to the uncertainty of (its) energy, just as the position of a particle in space is related to its momentum. This means that we never know immediately both the time of an event and its energy with great accuracy. An event occurring in a short time interval has a large energy uncertainty; events with an exact ‘amount of energy’ can only be localized over a large time span.”

In predictive astrology, the time of an event and its qualities are also probabilistic. An astro forecast can

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