Message: #77217
Марк Аврелий » 17 Feb 2017, 09:02

Eka Pada Kaundiniasana II

Eka pada kaundiniasana ii buckshee
The asana improves the flexibility of the back muscles. Strengthens the muscles of the wrists, forearms, shoulders, chest, as well as the oblique muscles of the abdomen. This posture helps develop a sense of balance. Stimulates the work of the abdominal organs. Increases the degree of mental concentration and strengthens self-confidence.
Enter Adho Mukha Svanasana with palms shoulder-width apart.
Step your left foot forward so that the foot is located on the outside of the left palm. Bend your left arm and twist to the right. Then slide the top of your left arm and shoulder under your left thigh. Distributing the weight evenly between the hands, begin to move the left foot further forward. The leg will shift slightly to the left – do not interfere with this natural movement.
When you feel like you can’t move your foot further forward without lifting your foot off the floor, straighten your knee as far as you can.
Bending your elbows, shift your body weight forward until you can lift your right leg. After lifting it off the floor, lift it higher to a position parallel to the floor, and pull it strongly.
Raise the chest, bringing the body to a position parallel to the floor.
Raise your head, look ahead. Hold the pose for at least 10 seconds, then repeat it to the other side.

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