Message: #78366
Марк Аврелий » 20 Feb 2017, 09:18

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I

Eka pada rajakapotasana i
This pose stretches the hips, groin and psoas, abdomen, chest, shoulders and neck. Stimulates the abdominal organs. Opens the shoulders and chest.
Enter the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose.
From Adho Mukha Svanasana, extend the right leg back and up, and then, bending it at the knee, bring it forward between the hands. The knee of the right leg looks forward, the thigh is parallel to the side edge of the mat, the shin is parallel to the front edge. A right angle should form between the thigh and lower leg.
Place the arch of your left foot on the floor, pressing all your toes well. Stretch your left leg well, pull in your knee. If there is space between the pelvis and the floor, place a support, such as a folded blanket, under the pelvis.
Turn around and look at your left leg. It should not deviate to the right or left. Extend your leg out of your hip and twist inward slightly so that the center of your thigh is pressed against the floor. As you exhale, stretch forward and place your torso down on your inner thigh. Stretch your arms forward. Do not pull your shoulders up to your ears and do not tear your pelvis off the support. Stay like this for a few breaths.
Move your hands back towards your front shins and press your hands firmly into the floor. Pushing off the floor, lift your torso up from your hips. Lengthen your lower back by pulling your tailbone down and forward while lifting your pubis towards your navel. Point the left thigh towards the right heel, and lengthen the front left groin.
If you can keep your pelvis upright without putting your hands on the floor, bring your hands to the top of your pelvis, bringing it down a lot. From this downward movement, lift your chest up. Without contracting the back of the neck, look back, bending in the thoracic region. To lift your chest, press your shoulder blades against the top of your sternum.
Stay in this position for a minute. Then, pushing off the floor with your hands, lift your pelvis, carefully release your right leg and, as you exhale, return to Adho Mukha Svanasana. Take a few breaths in and out and repeat the pose on the other side.
If you find it difficult to move your leg forward in one movement, help yourself with the same hand by grabbing yourself by the ankle.
Try to prevent the pelvis from tilting towards the leg extended back and not falling forward. Do not try with all your might to press the pelvis to the floor.
Exhale into the pelvis and try to feel the nuances of the work of all involved parts of the body.
Do not bend at the waist.

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