Message: #77214
Марк Аврелий » 17 Feb 2017, 09:01

Eka Pada Kaundiniasana I

Eka pada kaundiniasana i
This pose strengthens the muscles of the wrists, forearms, shoulders, chest, and obliques. Improves the flexibility of the back muscles. Asana promotes the development of a sense of balance. Increases the degree of mental concentration and strengthens self-confidence. Stimulates the work of the abdominal organs.
Get down on your left knee. Turn your left foot so that your toes point to the right, and sit on it.
Place the right foot on the outside of the left thigh, next to the knee. The right knee is directed straight up towards the ceiling.
Bring your left elbow behind your right thigh, trying to lower it as low as possible. Roll to the right. Now lower your palms to the floor: first the left, and then, raising the pelvis, the right. They should be shoulder width apart parallel to each other. In this position, most of the weight is still on the knees and feet.
Raise the pelvis higher, turn the left foot so that only the ball under the thumb remains on the floor, and the heel is pointing up. Then lift your left knee off the floor, keeping your weight on your feet. Raise your pelvis even higher and start shifting your weight onto your arms so that your torso is above the line between your palms.
Lean forward slightly, bend your left elbow slightly and bring your head and shoulders closer to the floor. As the right foot leaves the floor, shift the weight further forward until the left foot becomes light and lifts with the right.
Straighten both legs at the same time. Raise your left leg to a position parallel to the floor. Bending your left elbow more, lift your right foot higher. Keep your right shoulder in line with your left.
Raise your chest, keeping your torso parallel to the floor. Breathe evenly.
Hold the pose for at least 10 seconds and then do it on the other side.

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