Message: #95706
Марк Аврелий » 06 Apr 2017, 09:07

Exercise “Cat” on the go

Kat exercise on the go

If you are walking along the boulevard or in the park in good weather, I advise you to breathe along Strelnikova on the go. Walking with a calm, measured step, sniff noisily and briefly at each step, mentally counting the steps in 8. If you walk quickly, take a short, noisy breath through the step, bringing forward, say, your left leg. And if you have a pushing right, sniff, stepping forward with your right foot. You can do light, dancing springy squats for each step, as in our Cat exercise. Putting your foot forward at the next step, squat slightly on it and noisily, briefly inhale the air with your nose. Mentally count 8 breaths. Do not think about exhalation – it goes away spontaneously after each breath through the nose.

If you feel uncomfortable exhaling through your nose and a feeling of tightness appears in your chest, let the exhalation go out through your mouth after each breath. Don’t think about exhaling, think only about inhaling, and as you go, mentally count only inhalations.

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