Message: #83159
Марк Аврелий » 03 Mar 2017, 08:54

Stress Relief Points

Stress relief points

Let’s start the massage. Areas for massage are shown in fig.

1. Put your index and middle fingers together and tap on the center of your forehead, saying:

“I free myself from the unpleasant feeling.”

2. Tap your fingers on the right or left temple, saying the same formula:

“Releasing myself from this feeling.”

3. Next, knock under the right or left eye:

“I release myself from any energetic trauma.”

4. Then we knock under the right or left collarbone:

“I free myself from helplessness, despair, illness.”

5. Grab your left wrist with your right hand. Inhale deeply and exhale as you say the word:


Imagine the moment of greatest peace: a sunset, a serene rural landscape. Remain in a blissful feeling for a few minutes.

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