Message: #83162
Марк Аврелий » 03 Mar 2017, 08:55

Three Heaters Meridian

Three heaters meridian

The meridian of three heaters or three parts of the body starts from the end of the ring finger of the hand, goes along the back of the hand. passes through the wrist joint to the outer surface of the forearm, in the middle between the bones passes the elbow joint, rises along the outer surface of the shoulder to the shoulder joint, then along the trapezius muscle to the back of the head, crosses the mastoid process and the upper edge of the auricle
This meridian has two branches. The first starts from the supraclavicular fossa, goes down the diaphragm, that is, it connects all three parts of the body. The second branch starts from the yi-feng point and passes through the ear to the outer corner of the eye, where it joins the gallbladder duct.
There are 23 points on the meridian of the three heaters.

guan chun
on the ulnar side of the IV finger by 0.3 cm of the nail bed
feeling of suffocation; headache, dryness and cracked lips; pain in the outer side of the shoulder and elbow, feverish conditions; nausea; depressive states

in the cavity between the metacarpophalangeal joints of the IV and V fingers
headache; conjunctivitis; deafness, laryngitis, pharyngitis; pain in the hand and forearm; fever

in the cavity between the IV and V metacarpal bones, posterior to the IV metacarpophalangeal joint
headache; tinnitus, pharyngitis, laryngitis, deafness; pain in the forearm and elbow joint, paresis of the muscles of the hand; feverish conditions; psychoses; corneal leukoma

yang chi
on the back surface of the wrist joint, closer to the ulnar side, according to the location of the IV finger
headache, dizziness; боли в суставах руки с затруднением движения, перемежающаяся fever, малярия; deafness; conjunctivitis; oliguria, diabetes

wai guan
on the dorsum of the forearm, 2 cun above the proximal carpal fold
catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, headache, pain in the back of the head; шум в ушах, deafness; mumps; difficulty in movement in the elbow joint, pain in the fingers, hand tremor; paresis and paralysis of the upper limbs; febrile conditions, hyperthermia, lumbago in the lumbar region, neck; eye diseases, constipation: hypotension, asthenia, sleep disturbance, neuroses, parkinsonism with muscle rigidity

on the dorsal surface of the forearm in the interosseous depression, 3 cun above the crease of the wrist joint
fainting, pain in the heart, chest, shoulder blades; voice loss, laryngitis, pharyngitis; pain in the shoulder and forearm; pain in the hypochondrium, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea; feverish conditions; fainting after childbirth; dizziness, headache, eye pain; воспалительные процессы в области neck; pneumonia

hui zong
на тыльной поверхности предплечья, выше складка лучезапястного сустава на 3 цуня, на уровне точки TR6 chi-gou, но в локтевую сторону от нее на один поперечный палец
deafness; pain in the muscles of the upper limbs, sensory and motor disorders; epileptiform seizures; emotional instability

san yang lo
on the dorsum of the forearm, in the cavity between the bones, 4 cun above the wrist crease
sudden loss of voice, deaf; pain in the shoulder, forearm and hand with difficulty in movement

on the dorsum of the forearm, below the olecranon by 5 cun – indentation between the bones, above the dorsal crease of the wrist joint by 7.5 cun
внезапная потеря голоса, deafness; pain in the teeth of the lower jaw; pain in the forearm; paralysis of the muscles of the upper limb

tian ching
on the back of the shoulder, 1 cun above the olecranon
chest pain, cough; pain in the temporal region of the head, migraine; eye diseases; tinnitus., sore throat; pain in the back of the head, neck, shoulder, elbow joint; pre-stroke state; neurasthenia, sleep disturbance, agitation; seizures in children

on the back of the shoulder, 2 cun above the tip of the olecranon
headache; pain in the muscles of the arm with limited movement

on the back of the shoulder, 5 cun above the olecranon
headache, pain in the neck, neck, arm, epileptiform seizures

nao hui
on the back of the shoulder, at the level of the lower edge of the armpit, downward and backward from the large tubercle of the humerus
pain in the shoulder, shoulder joint, shoulder blade; headache; goiter; eye diseases

on the posterior surface of the shoulder joint, behind and below the acromial process of the scapula, or 1 cun closer to the spine from the depression formed during raising the hand (here is the point GI15 jian-yu); вертикально выше точки TR13 nao hui на 3 цуня
pain and paresis of the upper limb, pain in the shoulder joint with difficulty in movement; neurasthenia, dizziness

tien liao
in the upper part of the scapula, in the supraspinous fossa
pain in the shoulder and shoulder blade, tension in the muscles of the neck and neck; feverish conditions

on the posterolateral surface of the neck, below the mastoid process, slightly behind the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
headache, dizziness; sclera injection; swelling of the face; внезапная deafness; neck muscle stiffness; sleep disturbance

in a depression posterior to the base of the earlobe, between the mastoid process and the ascending ramus of the mandible
шум в ушах, deafness; paresis of the facial nerve, ptosis of the eyelid, drooping of the corner of the mouth, tick and paresis of facial muscles, difficulty in speech; inflammatory processes in the cheek area, trismus; отит, mumps; stomatitis; struma

behind the ear at the same level as the external auditory canal, slightly anterior to the base of the mastoid process of the temporal bone
головная боль, венозный застой в головном мозге, шум в ушах, deafness; decreased visual acuity, iritis; seizures in children, рвота, понос

за ухом выше точки TR18 qi-mai на 1 цунь
headache, dizziness, shortness of breath; боль ушей, deafness; vomiting in children, feeling of fear; epileptiform seizures

chiao sun
at the top of the base of the auricle
headache in the temple, dizziness; conjunctivitis, ear infiltrate; pain in the teeth, gingivitis, limitation of movement of the temporomandibular joint; struma

in front of and above the tragus of the ear, where the depression is palpated
deafness, tinnitus, otitis; pain in the teeth and upper jaw; headache, migraine

he-lyao (temporal)
в области виска, выше основания скулового отростка височной кости, немного кпереди и выше точки TR21 er-men, кзади от места пульсации поверхностной височной артерии
tinnitus, feeling of heaviness and pain in the head; paralysis, paresis of the facial nerve; inflammation of the external auditory canal, rhinitis, nasal polyp, epistaxis

in the recess at the outer end of the eyebrow
pain in the frontal and temporal regions of the head, dizziness, migraine; conjunctivitis, inversion of the edge of the eyelid, decreased visual acuity; paresis, paralysis of the facial nerve

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