Message: #59058
Юля Смоленск » 19 Jan 2017, 00:08

Slimming Cabbage Juice

Raw cabbage juice is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. It helps keep our digestive system in perfect order. Fresh cabbage juice perfectly improves metabolism, frees from toxins and toxins and belongs to products with detoxification properties. Nutritionists claim that this drink cleanses the intestinal walls of fatty deposits and delays the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. These properties are indispensable in the treatment of obesity and helps to fight excess weight.

How to make cabbage juice

White cabbage, Peking and Savoy cabbage are suitable for juice. The forks need to be disassembled into leaves, rinsed under running water. Before cooking, remove tough top leaves and hard stems. cut the cabbage into small pieces. It is not necessary to shred it, the main thing is that the leaves go into the blender. Pour three hundred grams of cabbage with a glass of cold water and chop everything together until a slurry is formed. As a rule, 2 minutes is enough for this. Now it remains only to strain the mixture through cheesecloth and the drink for weight loss and detox is ready.

You can add some ingredients to the juice to enhance the effect: parsley, celery leaves, a pinch of hot pepper. How to take cabbage juice for weight loss cabbage juice for weight loss

Cabbage juice is recommended to be taken 15-30 minutes before or after meals. Start the course with a quarter cup and, if there is no discomfort, go to half a glass 4-5 times a day. For effective weight loss, the course can be continued up to 2-3 weeks. During the diet, stick to a healthy diet: avoid fatty foods, reduce the consumption of sweets, rich pastries.

sauerkraut juice

Juice from fresh cabbage can be fermented. It will activate its healing properties. To do this, add half as much water to the mixer, and add about half a teaspoon of salt per 1 kilogram of cabbage. The grated cabbage mass along with water must be poured into glass jars, leaving a little space, close and leave to ferment at room temperature. It takes at least four days for the drink to be ready to drink. The maximum infusion time is 2 weeks. Juice must be filtered before drinking. Whatever you don’t drink, keep it in the fridge.

Additional properties of cabbage properties

Cabbage juice is useful not only for weight loss, but also as a prevention and treatment of various ailments. Due to the high content of vitamin C, it perfectly strengthens the immune system, and is useful for periodontal disease. Traditional healers believe that cabbage juice cleanses the skin of acne, is useful for depmatitis and prevents the formation of cancer cells.

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