Message: #71841
Лена Калининград » 08 Feb 2017, 16:42

Barley Diet – For Weight Loss

Pearl barley diet is one of the most effective weight loss methods. Obesity should be fought with a diet that is aimed specifically at limiting the consumption of fats, as well as carbohydrates, and also at normalizing the metabolic process. It is worth avoiding too fatty meat, white bread, ice cream, chocolate, butter, which is required by the pearl barley diet.
The ideal food for overweight is unsalted and, most importantly, low-fat porridge. One of the current diets based on eating cereals is the pearl barley diet. Why barley is beneficial – this is the most affordable cereal, which many people consider too heavy for the stomach and simply ignore. Which is, in fact, in vain.
Pearl barley is obtained from a whole barley kernel, on which grain shells remain after pre-treatment. That is the reason why it is so beneficial. Since barley is the best source of nutrients that our body needs to recover from an illness, for the full growth of a fragile organism and for human health in general.
The pearl barley diet is a diet without any problems. It’s not expensive, but it’s very effective. Her monotonous diet allows you not to rack your brains over the preparation of specialized dietary dishes. All that is needed is pearl barley and, of course, water.
We cook barley porridge on water (crumbly, always without the use of oil, salt, and besides, on water alone). It should be borne in mind that barley is cooked for at least an hour and at the same time increases in volume by about five times. For this reason, it is preferable to soak pearl barley overnight, but in the morning and cook.
On a pearl barley diet for weight loss, you should sit for at least five days. At the same time, you need to drink a lot of mineral water. Preferably lightly carbonated. Of course, the pearl barley diet is very tough. Not everyone can withstand such a meager diet. But the result is definitely worth it!
You will lose about one kilogram of weight per day. The first days of weight loss will be due to the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and increased urination. But the following days the body will begin to burn the existing fat. With any diet, this is the most important thing – to get rid of existing fat cells! In conclusion, we note that the loss of five kilograms of weight by for five days, normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, getting rid of constipation, and at the same time from existing fecal stones.
If you are worried that the body will be left without vitamins and other beneficial substances for a given period, then you are greatly mistaken. Barley is saturated with them. It contains amino acids such as lysine, which is involved in the production of collagen. This substance is responsible for the condition of our skin. Collagen significantly slows down the formation of wrinkles and keeps our skin young and smooth.
Barley contains a lot of potassium, which is very good for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is rich in zinc, iron, cobalt, iodine. Yes, in fact, the entire periodic table is available in a grain of barley!
Barley contains a large number of B vitamins, which are required for the full exchange of carbohydrates and proteins in the human body, for the normal process of hematopoiesis, and also for the preventive purpose of atherosclerosis.
There is even a little more fiber in cereals than in wheat, for this reason, like the pearl barley diet, it can serve as an excellent broom for our intestines.
Studies have shown that it contains antibacterial substances, such as hordecin. At present, it is used in medicine for the effective treatment of all kinds of fungal skin lesions.
Barley boiled in unsalted water is used for this diet. This decoction of barley is also very beneficial. It, like the pearl barley diet, has an anti-inflammatory effect, a diuretic, it helps with coughs and colds.
Barley is considered one of the most beneficial cereals, which will make it possible to get rid of obesity and a number of other diseases.

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