Message: #52297
Лена Калининград » 06 Jan 2017, 23:30

AyurvedicSky Therapy for Healthy Kidneys

In Eastern medicine, the kidneys are considered a very important organ. Their function is closely related to the nervous system and reproductive organs. They play the same role in water metabolism as the large intestine plays in digestion. In the same way that improper diet harms the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, improper drinking regimen destroys the kidneys and urinary tract.

Both excess and insufficient water intake, alcohol, diuretics and antibiotics, excessive sexual activity, suppression of the urge to urinate, and excessive intake of calcium and oxalic acid-containing foods such as spinach weaken the kidneys. Kidney function is also weakened by long journeys, excessive thinking, timidity and fears. The kidneys weaken with age and are more vulnerable in sensitive and easily injured children.

When the kidneys do not properly cleanse the blood, toxins can accumulate in large quantities in the kidneys and urinary tract. This is evidenced by symptoms such as pain in the lower back and along the sciatic nerve, difficult or painful urination, urinary tract infections, prostate enlargement, kidney stones.

A good preventive measure is periodic washing of the kidneys, which is performed in the warm season:
after a day of fasting, you should drink in the morning from 0.5 to 4 liters of water, to which soft diuretic herbs are added – coriander, parsley, lemon grass, horsetail, corn stigmas.

Abuse of diuretics can weaken the kidneys. Diuretics, having a strong stimulating effect on the kidneys, excite Vata. Drinking plenty of water, especially cold or iced water, also weakens the kidneys and usually raises Kapha levels.

Our body is predominantly not made of water, but of plasma, an oily substance. When consumed in large quantities of water, especially distilled, the necessary substances are removed from the plasma and the body is depleted.

Water fills our body not only with liquid, but also with Prana, life force. Drinking water devoid of vitality due to chlorination or distillation can lead to various health problems. It is better to drink fresh spring water. The quality of drinking water can be improved by leaving it overnight in a copper bowl.

Improves water quality and increases the content of Prana in it pouring it from glass to glass before drinking.

The best Ayurvedic remedy for toning and strengthening the kidneys is mumiyo. It improves the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, increases sexual energy, strengthens the nervous system, helps with diabetes, inhibits the growth of tumors, and has an antiseptic and stone-dissolving effect. Shilajit is suitable for all three doshas and is an excellent anti-aging agent (rasayana). In diseases of the urinary tract, it has both a cleansing and restorative effect and can be used for any of the conditions described in this chapter. It should be taken 0.5-1 g of purified resin twice a day.


In Ayurveda, edema is considered as a characteristic manifestation of high Kapha with water retention in the body. Edema can also be observed with the excitation of other doshas. Kapha people are usually prone to edema, especially in old age.

With Kapha-type edema, the swelling is more pronounced, the skin is moist and white, and when pressed, an imprint remains for some time.

With Vata-type edema, the skin is dry, loose, with protruding veins and no traces remain after pressure.

Pitta-type edema is accompanied by redness and a burning sensation.

Since puffiness is a condition, as a rule, prolonged, dietary therapy with the use of diuretic products is especially indicated: corn, barley and rice, celery, carrots, parsley and cilantro, pomegranate and cranberries. Many legumes have diuretic properties, especially aduki beans.

You should not try to eliminate edema by consuming large amounts of diuretic herbs or drugs, as overstimulation can further weaken the kidneys.
It is better to use mild diuretics – gokshura, corn stigmas, lemongrass, coriander, and from drugs – Gokshuradi guggul.

Vata constitutions should take these herbs with milk or warm water, Pitta constitutions with aloe juice or cool water, and Kapha constitutions with honey.

A valuable remedy for the treatment of edema, especially in debilitated patients, is mumiyo, which is taken 1-2 g twice a day with water or milk.

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