Message: #180161
Аннета Эссекс » 07 Sep 2017, 12:07

Sports after forty: tips and tricks

If your age is close to forty years, and you have just decided to go in for sports, first of all, consult with doctors. Pay special attention to blood pressure and pulse rate, take a trial pulse recovery test. It is better to go to the therapist and with him to determine possible contraindications for certain types of loads and exercises.

If there are no special contraindications, and you decide to exercise without a personal trainer, order a training program for yourself or make it yourself, taking into account your age, weight, and the initial readiness of the body for stress. Be sure to include aerobic exercise in the program, do not neglect flexibility and stretching exercises. Limit power loads, based on the readings of blood pressure and pulse rate.

To begin, prepare your cardiovascular system by walking and jogging for 40 to 60 minutes two to three times a week. A great alternative would be swimming or cycling.

Before the start of power loads, it is necessary to do a warm-up, warm up the muscles and stretch the joints. Allow at least ten minutes for this procedure.

When starting strength or, as they are also called, anaerobic exercises, keep in mind that you are no longer eighteen, you should not chase big weights. It is better to do more repetitions (15-20) in three or four sets. If you have high blood pressure, avoid exercising when your head is below body level. Be sure to monitor your heart rate. Bodyweight exercises are best suited: pull-ups, push-ups, squats, pulling your knees to your chest, hanging on the bar, etc. Rest between sets for one and a half to two minutes.

After forty, it is very important to maintain flexibility, as the body, over the years, without gymnastics, quickly loses its elasticity. Bends back and forth, exercises for stretching the legs, with a delay, as in yoga, which allow you to stay in positions that stretch muscles and tendons, are good. Such stretching exercises are recommended to be done at the end of each strength training session.

It will not be superfluous, with constant sports, at any age, to visit a sauna or a Russian bath at least twice a month, observing, at the same time, all the rules for taking bath procedures for your age. Be sure to visit a massage therapist once a month.

Adhering to a light diet, excluding especially fatty foods and alcohol from the diet, as well as visiting the gym two or three times a week, regardless of age, in six months your soul will find a strong abode. Good luck to you!

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