Message: #44456
Лена Калининград » 10 Dec 2016, 23:01

To lose weight you need to sit down

What types of physical activity do you do? Maybe running or jumping rope? All this, of course, is aimed at losing weight, but you can’t even imagine that by doing squats correctly, you can lose weight no worse than when you run fast for 2 km daily.

Squats are a very effective and intense load, which is in the borderline state between aerobics and strength exercises. The thing is that when a woman has already done squats, she needs to take her starting position, and for this she needs to lift her own weight! Aerobics is famous for the fact that during this kind of activity, the heartbeat quickens and the blood is properly enriched with oxygen and muscle tissue is nourished. The same effect is achieved with squats.

And so squats can be divided into the following two components:

Stage 1 is a smooth lowering of the body, by bending the knees. During this, tension is experienced by the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs.
After a deep squat, we need to rise, and this is the second stage – power, by raising our own mass.
This combination allows you to burn calories very quickly while strengthening muscles. All you need to stick to is proper breathing and pace. With severe fatigue and violation of the two above criteria, our body slows down the rate of burning calories, and the effectiveness of this exercise also suffers.

To lose weight…

It is imperative to adhere to the classic type of squat. You need to stick to the class schedule:

The first week – 3 workouts of 4 sets (20 squats in one set). Rest between sets no more than 5 minutes. You can simply march in place at this time.
Second week – 5 workouts of 5 sets (22 squats in one set). Gradually increase the number of squats.
Third week – 6 workouts of 5 sets (25 squats in one set).
The fourth week – and now we give the body a shake-up and return to normal. We repeat everything the same as in the first stage. This is done so that your body is not used to stress. Then everything repeats in a cycle.
For motivation, it is worth clarifying that for the first workout with proper breathing and an intense squat rhythm, you can burn 300-350 calories. After all, this is just an intermediate exercise. We think it would be right to attach various kinds of exercises for individual muscle groups.

1.Classic. We just stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, socks slightly apart. We stretch our hands forward and let’s go! The back should be straight. Heels must not be lifted off the floor. You should squat deeply while inhaling, and straightening up – exhaling.
2. Hands behind the head. We lock the handles into the lock and squat. Until a right angle is formed from your body. We breathe in the same way as in the classic squat.
3.Plie. You can apply this technique only after a full course of classic squats. This time you will work well on the inside of the thigh. Training should be carried out from the position of legs wide apart, socks apart. We keep our hands on our hips.
You can also squat with projectiles. Take weights (1-2kg.) And start squatting, while keeping your arms parallel to your body. For better motivation, do not get on the scales for the first week, and only after the training course, check your weight and be sure to measure your volumes.

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