Message: #52711
Buckshee » 08 Jan 2017, 16:49

Aerobics for Weight Loss

In this section, I interpret sports aerobics narrowly, meaning cardio or simply running.
Others avoid cardio exercises (aerobics), considering them completely useless, since aerobic movements practically do not increase muscle mass – the main consumer of calories. So there is no weight loss. On the other hand, cardio training in the heart rate zone of 110-130 beats / minute trains the heart well – increasing its volume. This is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In general, in this article I decided to make a positive review of aerobics. The bottom line is that every type of physical activity has its pros and cons. In general, the answer to the question “to run or not to run” is up to you!
Disadvantages of iron training.
Weight training, as most people understand it, has three major drawbacks. In general, if you do not pay special attention to these areas, then weight training
• a) insufficiently stimulate cardiac activity;
• b) as a rule, do not develop noticeable endurance.
• c) do not necessarily develop a clear relief
Everything is clear with the heart. It is the main engine of our body. It non-stop performs one million contractions after the next … and so on until the very end … Keep in mind that the more you weigh, the more trained your heart you must have, because the volume of pumped blood also increases.
As for endurance, everything is more complicated here. Not many people know that one of the most important limiting factors in muscle growth is energy. To increase muscle mass, you need a larger number of cellular mitochondria (energy stations) of the body. The number of which just determines your endurance and the possibility of further growth. That is why former athletes, when they start going to the gym, are able to add 15-20 kg of muscle per year.
You remember correctly that the relief of muscles depends on their size and the amount of subcutaneous fat. And if strength training is responsible for the size and safety of muscles, then diet and aerobic training are responsible for the amount of fat.
Three tasks for being lean.
In other words, the path to a slim body is the fulfillment of three basic requirements:
1. Creating a calorie deficit leading to weight loss. This is the most important condition for weight loss.
2. Strength training that preserves muscle on a limited diet. We say to the body: Hey, look! Weшцы нам нужны для работы. Use fat for energy!
3. Low Intensity Aerobic Training – To create a fat calorie deficit directly.
Moreover, if you correctly fulfill the 1st requirement, you can forget about the other two. But sharing them is the bomb. So you can achieve many times faster results due to synergy. Situations where, when used together, each of the three requirements has a stronger effect than on its own. In other words, we know that 1=1, but in this case 1+1+1 = 6, not three at all.
What should be cardio (aerobic) training?
Most often, gym visitors opt for a treadmill, bicycle or stopper. There are many other options. But these are the simplest and most time-tested. Personally, I advise you to stop running on the track. So you can easily get the required level of load. The bike makes it easy. The stopper complicates … And running has been the most natural movement for a person for many millions of years.
It is customary to distinguish between high- and low-intensity running. The whole difference is in speed. If you run very slowly (3-8 km per hour), then such a load will be low-intensity. If faster than 8 km – high-intensity. Remember, intensity is the amount of work done in a given amount of time. It is clear that with more nimble footwork, you will do more work in the same time than with slow running.
So how do you run?
It depends on your goals and on your time … Fat loss requires long-term low-intensity exercise. And for training the heart, a faster running style is well suited.
Cardio workout 10-15 minutes (8-12 km per hour)
We melt fat 45-60 minutes (5-8 km per hour)
If you are engaged in sports aerobics (running) to get rid of excess weight. Remember, fat only begins to be used intensively after 30-40 minutes of low-intensity running. Why should the run be slow in this case? In order to use fat as an energy source, and not carbohydrates necessary for muscle growth.
Another important point. When running to burn fat, it is important not to eat carbohydrates for as long as possible before training. Which contribute to the release of insulin blocking the process of fat burning. That is why the ideal time for such training is – morning on a hungry day. stomach.
The danger of aerobics.
And the last. Guys, do not overdo it with sports aerobics. It can help, or it can completely stop muscle growth. It’s all about quantity. To train the heart and endurance, 2 short workouts per week are enough. Please note that any aerobic exercise takes away part of the energy resource from your muscles. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with it.

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