Message: #333899
Аннета Эссекс » 05 Apr 2018, 08:06

Don’t confuse stress with depression

Some people complain and say, “It was so hard, I went through depression.” Having experienced ordinary stress at the same time – a feeling, although reminiscent of depression, but still fundamentally different from it.
Do not confuse these concepts, stress is a temporary feeling that everyone experiences from time to time. But with depression, things are much more serious, it is very difficult to cope with it on your own.

Let’s consider these two concepts in more detail.

Stress is a temporary oppressive feeling that occurs after any trouble. Someone endures stress hard, someone is easier, and there are people who do not attach much importance to many troubles at all.

Stress is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body. When we have trouble, the body thus prompts us to action.

During stress, our fatigue is masked, shyness, laziness disappear, the fear of failure is stronger than the fear when you need to act, there is one thing in your head – a terrible problem that needs to be solved.

Stress is caused by our own thoughts. If we come up with a tragedy out of nothing, we will experience stress. Even if we take a cold-blooded approach to a significant problem, we will not experience stress.

Now about depression. Depression is already a disease, a mental disorder has made itself felt. Depression can last for weeks, months, or even years.

During depression, the whole world around you seems black, nothing pleases you, everything is covered with black colors. Overcoming depression on your own is incredibly difficult.

You need to contact a psychiatrist as soon as possible and he will help you get rid of it. Depression is also dangerous because thanks to it you can completely ruin your body. People usually do not want to turn to psychologists, preferring to carry everything in themselves. And thus, making themselves a bouquet of sores on nervous grounds, as well as increasing the intake of alcohol, they smoke cigarettes more often. Therefore, do not pull with treatment.

As you can see, stress and depression are completely different concepts. Stress is a defense reaction, and depression is a disease. But try not to bring yourself to either one or the other. Good luck.

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