Message: #116808
Аннета Эссекс » 24 May 2017, 01:47

Honey is a source of youth and longevity.

Bees are creatures sent to us by the Almighty in order for us to recognize such a miraculous remedy as honey.

Bee honey has been used since time immemorial as a remedy. It is no coincidence that a bee collecting nectar was chosen as one of the symbols of our project. More than 70 substances necessary for the human body were found in nectar.

Back in ancient Egypt around 3000 BC. e. honey was used instead of money to pay for purchases. Queen Cleopatra always added honey to her famous milk baths. Hippocrates – an outstanding Greek physician who lived 2500 years ago, used honey in the treatment of ulcers, various injuries and as an antipyretic. Another prominent doctor and naturalist of antiquity, Ibn Sinna (Avicenna), recommended the regular use of honey to people over 45 years of age. He believed that in order to maintain youth, a person should regularly eat honey.

Honey and all bee products were an indispensable tool for folk healers of antiquity, and now they help to get rid of many ailments. In addition, the use of honey in a strictly thought-out dosage is an excellent prevention of various diseases and an effective way to rejuvenate the human body. So, there is an opinion that propolis restores organs and organ systems, bee bread and pollen – body tissues, and honey improves immunity.

An interesting fact is that most of the trace elements that are part of bee products are found in the blood and human organs. Of the 24 trace elements found in human blood, 22 are found in bee products. Such a common chemical composition makes honey related to the human body. And that is why bee products are so well absorbed in the human body. This is also facilitated by the enzymes present in honey.

Along with sugars such as glucose and fructose, honey contains a number of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, and phosphorus. Depending on the quality characteristics of nectar and pollen, it contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3, as well as some copper, iodine and zinc. In addition, some types of hormones are also part of honey.

With insufficient content in the body of such trace elements as vanadium, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel and zinc, the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. Therefore, the introduction of these trace elements with honey or royal jelly, bee bread and pollen is the prevention of anemia. Copper, iodine and cobalt contained in honey increase the body’s resistance to various infections.

In some diseases, the metabolism of microelements is disturbed in the tissues of the body, which slows down the healing process. They must be introduced into the body in microdoses, and bee products have just the right concentrations.

However, there are contraindications in apitherapy – this is intolerance to beekeeping products.

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