Message: #52748
Лена Калининград » 08 Jan 2017, 18:44

Ten Commandments for those who don’t want to get old

1st commandment: Try not to overeat! Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, be content with 1,500. Thus, you will unload your cells and support their activity. Cells are updated faster, and the body will become less susceptible to diseases. 2nd commandment: the menu should correspond to your age. In 30-year-old women, the first wrinkles will appear later if they regularly eat liver and nuts. People over forty benefit from betacarotene. After 50 years, calcium keeps the bones in shape, and magnesium keeps the heart. Men over forty need selenium, which is found in cheese and kidneys. Selenium helps relieve stress. After fifty, eating fish will protect the heart and blood vessels.
3rd Commandment: Work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Try to find a job that suits you. Some professions, according to sociologists, help to preserve youth. These include the professions of conductor, philosopher, artist and priest.
4th commandment: find a mate. Love and tenderness are the best anti-aging remedies. When a person is in love, the hormone endorphin is produced in his body, which is otherwise called the hormone of happiness. It helps to strengthen the immune system.
5th commandment: have your own point of view on everything. A consciously living person is much less likely to become depressed and depressed than someone who is only passively going with the flow.
6th commandment: move. Even eight minutes of physical education or sports per day prolong life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after thirty years.
7th Commandment: Sleep in a cool room. It has been proven: who sleeps at a temperature of 17-18 degrees, stays young longer. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related features also depend on the ambient temperature.
Commandment 8: Treat yourself from time to time. Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a tidbit.
9th commandment: You should not always suppress anger in yourself. The one who constantly reproaches himself, instead of telling what upsets him, and at times even arguing, exchanging opinions with others, is more susceptible to any diseases, including malignant ones. tumors.
10th commandment: train the brain. From time to time, solve crossword puzzles, play collective games that require mental activity, learn foreign languages. Count in your mind, not just on a calculator.

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