Message: #181320
Аннета Эссекс » 08 Sep 2017, 16:33

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies. Anemia is a condition that develops due to a deficiency in the blood of a sufficient number of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen. If you have too low hemoglobin values ​​or abnormal red blood cells, your body cells will not get enough oxygen.

Anemia, or anemia, is a disease characterized by a decrease in the content of hemoglobin in red blood cells (erythrocytes), which is the coloring matter of blood and the supplier of oxygen to it. A clear sign of anemia is pale skin. A common cause of anemia is a lack of iron in the human body, which can be caused by frequent blood loss. Treatment of anemia with folk remedies consists in replenishing the body with iron stores.

The first symptom of anemia is fatigue. It occurs when the organs do not get what they need to function properly. Anemia is the most common abnormality in blood counts.

Women and people with chronic diseases are at an increased risk of developing this disease. Some forms of anemia are hereditary, and even infants can suffer from this disorder from birth.

Symptoms of anemia
A patient with this diagnosis, as a rule, has the following external signs – pale translucent skin, sometimes with a bluish tint, faded lips, gums, sunken cheeks, dark circles under the eyes, dull and brittle hair, exfoliating thinned nails.

General complaints of patients:

increased weakness;
fast fatiguability;
noise in ears;
sharp headaches;
stabbing pains behind the sternum;
frequent dizziness, sometimes accompanied by short-term fainting;
vision problems (flashing before the eyes of “black flies”);
difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
violations of the swallowing reflex;
oddities in gastronomic addictions (the desire to eat chalk, lime, table or sea salt, spicy spices);
muscle lethargy.
Causes of anemia
The disease can be caused by a variety of factors:

Significant blood loss for this organism, for example, with an open injury, injury, bleeding (uterine, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary, gastric, nasal, etc.).
Violation of hematopoietic processes (the bone marrow produces red blood cells in quantities much lower than normal).
Increased blood destruction (mass death of red blood cells).
Unbalanced nutrition with a clear lack of vitamins, micro- and macro-elements in food. As a variety – the transition to vegetarianism, with a complete rejection of animal products.
Chronic or infectious diseases (dysentery, tuberculosis).
Acute poisoning with poisons, drugs or mushrooms.
Violation of the functions of the stomach in the elderly.
Some types of helminthic invasions.
Pregnancy period.
Deficiency in the body of iron (iron deficiency anemia).
Deficiency in the body of B12 (folate deficiency anemia).

In addition to the main symptoms characteristic of all types of anemia, in cases of iron deficiency and folate deficiency, patients show additional characteristic signs – a burning sensation in the tongue and throughout the oral cavity, frequent diarrhea, an unsteady rolled gait, a feeling of “goosebumps” running across the skin.

diet for anemia
In the treatment of all forms of anemia, a well-composed diet comes to the fore. diet for anemia настаивает на ежедневном употреблении сливок, цельного молока (лучше деревенского), сливочного масла, кукурузы и кукурузной каши, пшена. Healers and healers recommend that their patients drink meat juice, raw blood (bovine), eat uncooked meat with blood.

Patients with anemia are especially important regular intake of animal protein, the sources of which are: meat, offal, fish, eggs, seafood, all dairy products.

It is believed that the use of yellow and orange fruits is most beneficial for patients with anemia. This list includes: dried apricots, apricots, apricots, persimmons, sea buckthorn, apples, pears, bell peppers and yellow tomato varieties, mango, papaya, melon, cherry plum, citrus fruits. Pumpkin porridge with whole milk is especially useful.

Foods that improve blood composition: celery (root and herbs), garden greens, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, liver (especially pork), oysters, tofu cheese, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cedar, hazelnuts, Brazilian, pecans), lentils, raisin.

Natural honey, especially its dark varieties (buckwheat, forest, heather), contains not only iron, but also an increased content of protein compounds, so necessary for its full assimilation, as well as a whole range of minerals that normalize the vitamin and mineral balance in the body.

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies
The most common anemia, iron deficiency, is treated by prescribing a diet enriched with foods with easily digestible iron and protein, which the body needs to produce hemoglobin, and special iron-containing preparations. As a rule, women most often suffer from this form of anemia.

Grated radish. 6 times a day you should eat a small spoonful of radish, at the same time with this treatment, it is advised to take 20 mustard seeds once a day. The course of treatment lasts a month.

Wild strawberry. A tablespoon of dried strawberry leaves (you can mix the root and grass) is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about 20 minutes under the lid. Should be taken instead of tea, adding dark honey and whole milk, 2 times a day.

Cocoa powder, butter, melted lard, forest honey. Take all the ingredients equally (weigh on a kitchen scale), put in an enamel pan, melt completely over low heat, stirring constantly, until the boil begins. Cool, pour the medicinal mixture into a glass dish, cover with a lid and store in a cool, dark place (you can on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator). Take a tablespoon three times a day with meals.

Milk with garlic. Squeeze 2-3 cloves into a glass of milk in a garlic press and boil it. Drink 25-30 ml three times a day. This recipe is especially indicated for those who, due to anemia, have low blood pressure, and the person is prone to fainting, and also constantly experiences weakness, drowsiness, lack of vitality and appetite.

Dandelion. Dry or fresh leaves and roots of dandelion (a teaspoon) pour boiling water (a glass) and leave for at least an hour. Reception 50 ml 4 times a day.

Aloe. This plant leads to an active increase in the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and sometimes white blood cells. In addition, aloe strengthens the immune system and promotes cell and tissue regeneration. Mix 170 ml of fresh aloe juice with a third glass of natural honey and 400 ml of red church wine (Cahors). Shake the resulting composition, pour into a container with a ground-in lid and store for the bottom shelf of the refrigerator door. Take 25-30 ml three times a day before main meals.

Rose hip. In addition to the high content of carotene and vitamin C, the fruits are rich in iron, copper, magnesium and all other substances that harmonize the work of the blood-forming organs. 3 large spoons of crushed rose hips (you can grind them in a blender, in a coffee grinder, in a mortar or just cut them with a knife) pour boiling water in a thermos (750 ml), to enhance the beneficial properties of the drink, it is recommended to put a tablespoon of fresh or dry strawberries in a thermos. Insist for at least half a day, take a glass three times a day, adding buckwheat honey to the finished elixir.

Chicory juice. Dilute a tablespoon of chicory juice or liquid concentrate in a glass of warm whole milk. Take chicory in a third cup three times a day.

Red clover (red). Pour a teaspoon of inflorescences of the medicinal plant meadow clover with a glass of boiling water and simmer over a fire for 5 minutes. Take 25 ml 4-6 times a day with meals.

Kefir with honey. A large spoonful of honey should be added to a glass of kefir, and after complete dissolution, use this delicious drink 3 times a day. This recipe is especially important for anemic elderly people.

Garlic tincture. Pour 300 g of garlic (peeled and finely chopped) with a bottle of vodka (0.5 l) or diluted medical alcohol (distilled water 1: 1), tightly seal the container with a lid and put it in a dark place for 21 days, not forgetting to shake it daily. Reception – 3 times a day, 10 drops (strictly!) Before meals.

Horseradish with honey. Daily one-time intake of a teaspoon of grated horseradish with a tablespoon of honey improves the condition of patients with anemia.

With anemia, you need to eat chokeberry berries regularly throughout the year and take yarrow tincture. Pour 100 g of dry grass with 2 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain, squeeze and drink 2 tablespoons, diluted with water, before eating.

A very good recipe for increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood: mix brandy, lemon juice, cranberry juice, honey, beet and carrot juices in equal amounts by volume, let the mixture brew for three days in a dark place at room temperature, and then store in the refrigerator. You need to take 50 g 2-3 times a day before meals for a month.

Everyone knows that there is a lot of iron in pomegranates and beets. In addition, to treat anemia, eat one large grated carrot with sour cream or vegetable oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Patients with anemia may suffer from headache attacks, during which the pulse slows down, the forehead becomes cool, and the pupils may dilate. At such a moment, a person should be helped to lie down so that the head and legs are on the same plane, the head should be tightly tied with a handkerchief or scarf, and strong coffee with sugar and milk should be prepared. After the pain subsides, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm cow’s milk.

Be healthy!

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