Message: #51814
Лена Калининград » 05 Jan 2017, 23:19

Self-suggestion for successful exam preparation

Worried about an exam? It doesn’t matter who didn’t happen to!
The auto-training presented below will help get rid of excessive anxiety and collect your thoughts.

I start replenishing my casket of knowledge in an excellent mood, with bright thoughts, a rich memory and a good imagination. My knowledge will be useful everywhere and always – in school, in life, and at work.

I am eager to give answers to exam questions and am ready to memorize new information. Each of my answers is detailed and exhaustive, I meet each difficult question with a light heart and a smile on my face.

I am prepared for surprises and instantly find extraordinary and accurate solutions to the tasks and questions. I am inspired by the attention paid to me and creates inside a professional who shares knowledge, exudes confidence and optimism.

I and only I decide when to stop, because I manage communication with the examiners and surprise with my deep knowledge. I accurately formulate thoughts and give detailed, clear answers.

In my head, all knowledge is systematized. Here they are located on the shelves of a large bulky closet, each of which has its own place, its own color and smell. I have a real filing cabinet in my head.

I manage time, realize my full potential. The exam for me is a way to show myself, talk about my favorite topic and enjoy a casual conversation. I have enough motivation and self-discipline to carefully study all issues. My exam preparation is effective.

I’m ready to answer now. I finish reading the answer to the last question of the exam, and I triumph from the readiness to answer capaciously, logically correctly. My voice does not tremble, there is no fear. I am collected and focused. My answers are admirable.

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