Message: #75961
Аннета Эссекс » 15 Feb 2017, 01:13

Street Workout Getting Started

Street Workout (street training) – one of the varieties of street (yard) sports, gymnastics, includes performing various exercises on outdoor sports grounds on horizontal bars, uneven bars, wall bars, horizontal stairs and other structures, or without using them at all (on the ground)
What should a beginner know first?

From the very beginning, you need to increase the base. If you pull up less than 15 times, do push-ups on the bars less than 30, then in this case you should put emphasis on increasing the number of push-ups and pull-ups. This will allow you to strengthen the ligaments and prepare for strength training. But don’t forget that your form is already good enough to practice the handstand. Try to get up on the floor, catch the balance. Do it every day. In about a month of training, everything turns out.

1. Pull-ups

The horizontal bar is, on the one hand, a fairly simple and affordable device (you can make a horizontal bar at home or go out into the yard), on the other hand, the benefits of exercising on this device are enormous. Firstly, exercises on the horizontal bar contribute to the formation of an athletic figure, and secondly, they have a positive effect on the body as a whole (a beneficial effect on the spine and posture is especially important for those who lead a “sedentary lifestyle” – sitting at school, college, at work).

2. Push-ups

Carrying out push-ups from the floor helps to actively develop the following muscle groups – pectoral, triceps and deltoid, in addition, they are also able to strongly strain the abdominal muscles (exercises for the press). In addition, many muscles are involved in the work in a static mode, which are required in order to maintain the position of the body, and this requires the work of the legs, back, intercostal muscles, all the muscles of the press. Therefore, push-ups are an exercise useful for general development. And its main advantage is that you can do push-ups at home.

3. Hanging Leg Raise

When lifting the legs to the horizontal, the front thigh muscles are involved rather than the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles are included in the work only when the legs are raised above the horizontal level and only if the pelvis is simultaneously raised. Ideal position at the bottom of the movement – legs at a ninety degree angle to the body (bent knees – an easy option, straight legs – a difficult option), ideal position at the top of the movement – knees touching the chest.

4. Push-ups on the uneven bars

Push-ups on the uneven bars – a basic exercise in bodybuilding and powerlifting performed on the uneven bars, which develops the pectoral muscles and triceps. Push-ups provide high-quality study of the pectoral muscles and triceps, but the degree of load will depend primarily on the position of the hands.

These exercises are more than enough to get you started.

Now consider an example training program. For a beginner, it is best to perform a circular training scheme, when the exercises go one after another without interruptions, and rest is given only at the end of the cycle.

Workout. Day 1

1. Pull-ups средним хватом. Overhand grip
2. Push-ups на брусьях с наклоном корпуса вперед
3. Push-ups. The position of the hands is average, shoulder width apart
4. Hanging Leg Raise

Each exercise is performed to failure. Exercises go one by one without pauses. Rest 2-4 minutes after each round. Repeat 4-5 cycles

Workout. Day 2

1. Pull-ups широким хватом. Overhand grip
2. Push-ups на брусьях с прямым корпусом
3. Push-ups. The position of the hands is wide, wider than the shoulders
4. Hanging Leg Raise

Each exercise is performed to failure. Exercises go one by one without pauses. Rest 2-4 minutes after each round. Repeat 4-5 cycles

Workout. Day 3

1. Pull-ups узким хватом. Overhand grip
2. Push-ups на брусьях с наклоном корпуса вперед
3. Push-ups. The position of the hands is narrow, narrower than the width of the shoulders
4. Hanging Leg Raise

Each exercise is performed to failure. Exercises go one by one without pauses. Rest 2-4 minutes after each round. Repeat 4-5 cycles

Workout. Day 4

1. Pull-ups средним хватом. Reverse grip
2. Push-ups на брусьях с прямым корпусом
3. Push-ups. The position of the hands is average, shoulder width apart
4. Hanging Leg Raise

Each exercise is performed to failure. Exercises go one by one without pauses. Rest 2-4 minutes after each round. Repeat 4-5 cycles

This program is divided into 4 days of training per week, ideally you should do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

As you can see from the training example, the legs were left out of work. We recommend weighted squats (barbell, dumbbells, bag, water bottles) and 100m timed sprints. If you manage to train your legs in this way on Wednesday and Saturday, then you should start to seriously respect myself.

If you regularly perform this program for three to four months of training, then the result will satisfy you.

At the very beginning, you need to warm up all the muscles of the body well. There is an erroneous opinion that you need to warm up only those muscles that will be the main load. This is not true! Warming up is one of the most important factors and should not be forgotten.

You should also pay attention to the end of the workout. Street Workout experts advise you to stretch your muscles after strength exercises, because. this contributes to the speedy recovery of the muscle tissue of the body.

Many beginners, after a few months of training, want to learn how to do a two-handed exit. In general, this is not such a difficult element, but nevertheless, in order to complete it, you need to not only pull yourself up at least 10-15 times, but also pull yourself up as high as possible. Beginners can be advised to do one-handed exit in turn in order to learn how to do two-handed exits.

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