Message: #63582
Лена Калининград » 25 Jan 2017, 11:48

Swinging the lower part of the arm – triceps

In the hands of each person a large number of all kinds of muscles, tendons, which together form a single system. The main groups are the flexor and extensor or biceps and triceps, respectively. The flexor muscle in most cases is well developed, because in the process of life it accounts for the lion’s share of the load. The lower part of the arm, the triceps, is not so developed in this regard, as a result it becomes weak, sagging. Women especially face this problem. But, don’t get upset. There are tricks that will tone the relaxed biceps.

Exercises for working out the lower surface of the hand

In order for the lower part of the arm to be youthful, toned, trainers, in addition to standard exercises, offer women to take a little weight in their hands. At home, it can be plastic water bottles, in the gym – small dumbbells.

Stand straight, in the hands of a dumbbell, put 1 leg in front of the other, bend the knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor. After that, raise both hands in front of you, then lower along the hips, return to the starting position. Repeat lunge with leg 2.
How to pump up the lower part of the arm? Taking dumbbells in your hands, sit on a chair, straighten your back. After that, raise 1 arm with the projectile above the head, while the palm is directed forward, the elbow is located in the ear area. The arm is bent at the elbow, while the projectile is launched behind the head towards the opposite shoulder, then – the starting position. Perform the same movements with the 2nd hand. Take the dumbbells in your hands, stretch the limbs along the body. After that, we begin to pull the dumbbells up, bending our elbows. Their movement should be directed along the body, while the elbows are spread apart.
If you take a heavier dumbbell in your hands, you can do the following exercise. Sit on a chair, clasping the projectile with 2 hands, raise it above your head. After that, you need to bend your elbows, fixing them in a static position. After that, bend-unbend your arms, lowering and raising the dumbbell from behind your head.
The lower part of the arm responds well to all kinds of push-ups. If at first it’s hard, you can do push-ups simply by leaning your hands in a vertical plane. After a few weeks of training, you can move on to horizontal surfaces.
A lighter version of push-ups is possible from a prone position on the floor. To do this, take an emphasis, straight legs grab at the feet. It should turn out so that the body with legs stretched into a single straight line. At the same time, it is worth squeezing the press as much as possible, straining the gluteal muscles. In turn, lower yourself first to 1, then to 2 hand, placing your forearm on the floor, after that – return to the emphasis on the palms.
Another option for push-ups. It is necessary to sit on the floor, leaning with straightened arms on the surface behind the body. The surface of the foot is firmly on the floor, the legs are bent at the joints. Pulling in the stomach, the buttocks slowly raise the body to the point until it is parallel to the floor. At the highest point, it is worth fixing the position.
Exercises for the lower part of the hands helps restore lost tone. It is advisable to include them in a set of training sessions that take place at least 2 times a week.

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