Message: #73209
Лена Калининград » 10 Feb 2017, 17:36

Aerial yoga: 6 asanas for beginners

1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose). Favorite position, where without it.

What is common: despite the fact that students usually chuckle when they hear that we “go out to the Dog and rest,” this is true. The pose promotes a rush of blood to the head (moreover, less intensively than shirshasana, a headstand), due to which the renewal of brain cells occurs, and the complexion improves. Moreover, the posture has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, as well as stretching the back of the legs, mainly the calf muscles and ankles. Differences in execution using a hammock: in a hammock, the downward facing dog pose is carried out with the help of a hang, that is, the body hangs down, which provides active traction of the spine along its entire length. If it is difficult for people who have been practicing not so long ago to achieve full straightening of the back on a rug, then with the help of a hammock this can be done, even if you have never heard of this asana at all. Also, in hanging, it is easier for those involved in relaxing the muscles of the neck, which relieves the load from the cervical spine.

2. Baddha Konsana (Bound Angle Pose).

What is common: the pose effectively affects the organs of the pelvis, abdomen, back, and also has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. Moreover, in women practicing this asana, there is a decrease in pain during the cycle due to the normalization of the ovaries and uterus. Baddha konasana is one of the yoga poses that women can perform even throughout the entire period of pregnancy (in the absence of contraindications from the doctor, of course).

Differences in performing using a hammock: The technique for performing the asana is to connect the soles of the feet together and spread the hips to the sides until they touch the floor. Since this asana, like the downward dog pose, is a vis, and the pelvis is below the level of the feet, even people who, sitting on the mat, cannot put their hips on the floor due to insufficient opening of the hip joints, open them in a hammock with enviable ease. And in addition: soaring above the ground gives an unforgettable feeling of flight and elevation above the world. Where else can you be in the role of such a “flying Buddha”?

Since the soles of the feet in the hammock are initially tied, and there is no need to hold them with our hands, we find a use for our hands and put them in our favorite mudra (a combination of fingers that has a special meaning). I like to join my thumb and forefinger into a ring and turn my palms up, which is “Jnana Mudra”, symbolizing knowledge. Who knows, suddenly, at the very moment of performing baddha konasana, ideas will come to you that you have been waiting for a long time.

3. Pashchimottanasana (posture of stretching the back surface of the body).

So, as you already understood, the pose is needed for symmetrical stretching of the back. In addition, when it is performed, the gluteal muscles are effectively stretched, the abdominal organs are massaged, having a beneficial effect on the digestive tract; fat folds on the abdomen and thighs are reduced.

Differences in performing using a hammock: very often on the mat, students focus on stretching their legs, and forget about the other important nuances of performing the pose, namely: a flat back and “shoulders from the ears”. And it can be very difficult to wean them from this habit. Therefore, a hammock is the instructor’s salvation. The legs are supported by our friend a hammock, thanks to which you can forget about them and direct all your attention to stretching your back.

4. Chakrasana (Bridge pose).

What is common: the bridge is not the easiest pose. Even for advanced practitioners. You probably already understood that yoga, in principle, is not a simple thing. Well, who is it easy now? So breathe in, breathe out and practice. Moreover, the pose very well eliminates stoop and develops the flexibility of the spine; helps to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs. Also, after performing the asana, you will receive an amazing boost of energy and vivacity for the whole day.

Not everyone performs this asana in hatha yoga classes. This is not surprising: firstly, you need to have trained strong arms and legs in order to lift and hold the body; and secondly, if you have problems with your lower back, or if you have fragile wrists, then this asana is not recommended. And now what: never show off in a beautiful bridge? Not really. Aerial yoga will help us.

Differences in performance using a hammock: in a hammock, the lower back is located in a soft and elastic band that completely repeats the curves of your body and carefully supports your back. Of course, we also prepare all the muscles for the exit to the bridge, since bending is often quite difficult. Not everyone is lucky enough to become the owner of a super flexible spine. But with regular practice in a hammock, the bridge do almost everything. Moreover, since there is no contact between the limbs and the floor, no matter how sensitive your wrists are, you can perform this asana without problems. And even if you have never done anything sports, then the hammock will hold your body, and you do not need to lift it. But this does not mean that since there is a hammock, then all the work should be blamed on it and you can not strengthen the muscles. Strong and sturdy arms and legs have never harmed anyone.

5. Halasana (plow pose).

What is common: performing halasana promotes the development of flexibility in all parts of the spine, stimulates the digestive organs, and also balances the hormonal background. The rush of blood to the head promotes the development of brain functions such as thinking, memory and attention. However, the development of halasana for beginners should be gradual. Because when performing the asana, the cervicothoracic spine is actively involved. And the pressure of the floor on the spine can be not only uncomfortable, but sometimes traumatic. Therefore, for beginners and people who have contraindications due to problems with the cervical spine, I recommend trying halasana in aerial yoga. Differences in performance using a hammock: the tape of the hammock is far from being as hard as the floor, but on the contrary, it is soft and pleasant. The spine during the asana is extended, the thoracic region is not clamped. In addition, a good study of the abdominal muscles is added to the hammock when raising the legs to a right angle, which helps to eliminate fat deposits in this area.

6. Sirshasana (headstand)

What is common: shirshasana is a royal pose, especially for the nervous system. After its implementation, there comes a feeling of calmness and complete harmony in the whole body. Moreover, performing a headstand improves vision, hearing, and all the senses; improves digestion and develops the lungs. Regular practice helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Well, of course, shirshasana has contraindications, like any posture. And since it is inverted, there are, of course, more of them. Among them are hypertension, and heart disease, and chronic diseases of the ears, eyes, displacement of intervertebral discs, etc. And one more thing: performing sirshasana is not recommended in the absence of experience in daily yoga practice for a year. How do you like that? Well maybe a little exaggerated recommendation, but since the pose is really difficult for beginners, you need to approach it really gradually and carefully. And here, too, a hammock can help.

Differences in performing using a hammock: in a hammock, the legs are supported with a tape, which provides a moderate load on the head, and this position also allows the practitioner to get used to the upside down stance. As a complication, one leg can be lifted up, providing a soft and gradual entry into the asana.

In conclusion: even if you do not stand in a headstand and do not want to do this, choose the yoga that you like. After all, yoga does not begin with a stand in an unthinkable position, but with work on yourself and your inner world.

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