Message: #67505
Аннета Эссекс » 02 Feb 2017, 23:18

Autumn run. The Benefits of Running in the Fall

Are there any benefits to jogging in the fall?

In order for the body to be in perfect shape by the beginning of summer, you need to start preparing in the fall, because within six months the muscles acquire tone. And running, as you know, helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat, removes cellulite, improves metabolism, the cardiovascular system, and burns extra calories.

Let’s start running in the fall

Why is it best to run in autumn? At this time of the year, you probably don’t want to run along the unsuitable paths of the nearest park, especially if you are a beginner. Not all surfaces are suitable for running, because different surfaces have different effects on joints and muscle tissue. For example, running on “soft” surfaces (grass, sand) increases the risk of injury and damage to the joints. Running on uneven surfaces, such as the coastal strip of the sea, puts uneven stress on the joints and pressure on the joints and muscles of the knees and ankles. So if you haven’t run before until your muscles are strong enough, running on specialized rubber treadmill surfaces is the best thing to do at this stage.

Benefits of running in the fall

In autumn, when the cold comes and we put on loose, shapeless clothes, the body does not have enough calories, and as a result, we eat often and a lot, which leads to fatty deposits under the skin. Lack of sun and gray dank days cause a depressive state. And physical activity, especially in the morning, not only adds vigor and helps to wake up, but also eliminates the autumn blues.

Running provides good ventilation of the lungs, and this in turn helps in the fight against infections, which increase dramatically in the autumn. Thanks to physical activity, immunity is strengthened and, as a result, the risk of colds is reduced in winter. And in the spring, there will be no need to worry about how to lose weight gained over the winter.

How to avoid injury?

To prevent injuries, damage to bones and joints, run in the right shoes, and jogging in old sneakers, on the contrary, increases the risk of injury. Running shoes have evolved over the years and are designed to cushion the impact of the foot on the ground while running. In sneakers foot and ankle fixed in the correct position to avoid injury. If running is included in your daily routine and such physical activity is regular, then you need to change shoes after every 450 kilometers. In order to avoid injury before jogging, it is recommended to warm up the muscles well.

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