Message: #57927
Лена Калининград » 17 Jan 2017, 12:03

Diagnostics on the palms and hands

From the palms you can find out the past and predict the future of a person, see his character and inclinations, as well as the palms and hands allow you to diagnose diseases of the internal organs.

Diagnosis on the palms can be done on your own. If you have cold hands, this is an indicator of impaired peripheral circulation, and the cause of cold hands may be a lack of nicotinic acid. To eliminate the coldness of the hands, increasing peripheral circulation, you can eat more foods containing nicotinic acid: cabbage, beans, dairy products, mushrooms, meat, buckwheat, fish.

If your palms are burning, this means that the liver cannot cope with intoxication, which can be caused by the use of various drugs, alcohol, and chemicals in the body.
If the skin of the palms has a shade of yellowness, this means that there are changes in the liver or gallbladder (diseases such as hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, or there are disorders in the biliary tract are possible).

If the palms are red, this indicates toxic damage to the liver: hepatosis or hepatitis is possible.

Palms with a marble pattern indicate malfunctions in the autonomic nervous system.

Spots on the fingertips also signal health problems.

If the skin on the hands and palms is peeling off in small plates, this may indicate a clear lack of vitamins A and D in the body. And if the palms are peeling off in large plates, you need to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible, because such peeling is usually caused by a fungus.

If there are brown spots on the back of the hand, this is not just an age-related phenomenon (pigmentation disorders, which is typical for the elderly), but it also means that there are problems with the gallbladder.

If deep longitudinal folds are visible on the skin of the terminal phalanges of the fingers, this may be a sign of disorders in the endocrine system, such as hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus.

The purple color of the fingertips indicates the problems of the digestive system. Dark red or lilac color of the fingertips – problems with the kidneys and liver. Spots on the tops of the base of the thumbs may indicate that there are problems with the genitals.

If the side itches on the right hand the surface of the index finger is a sign of malfunction

large intestine. Rough skin on the back of your index finger may indicate a problem with your gallbladder. Dry palms with pale skin indicate an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). And wet palms speak of hyperthyroidism.

If your little fingers often go numb, consult a cardiologist – there are problems with the cardiovascular system. Numbness in the thumbs is a sign of weakness in the respiratory system.

If goosebumps “creep” on the palms, there are disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

Too flexible finger joints (as well as not bending at all) with a general reduced tone of the muscles of the hand indicate malfunctions in the gallbladder and liver.

Lack of calcium in the body causes cracking joints.

Painful, irregularly shaped finger joints are a sign of arthrosis.

If the joints of the fingers swell painfully, swell and turn red – this is polyarthritis, you need to urgently consult a doctor. The presence of pain between the second and third phalanges of the index and ring fingers is a signal that you need to urgently take care of the health of the knee joints.

A wide palm means good health. But wide palms with short fingers mean a tendency to circulatory disorders and increased blood pressure.

Narrow palms with pale skin and thin long fingers are usually found in people with a fine nervous organization, such people can react painfully to sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature, harsh sounds, emotional overload and jet lag.

Small hands occur in people with a too susceptible autonomic nervous system: their typical diseases are hypotension, inflammation of the rectum and bronchial asthma.

Fleshy palms most often indicate circulatory problems, low metabolism, and thyroid hypofunction is also possible.

This is how you can independently make a diagnosis of the state of internal organs in the hands and palms.

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