Message: #73348
Лена Калининград » 10 Feb 2017, 22:51

Biceps Workout – Build Huge Biceps

Biceps training is the easiest thing you can do in the gym, right? But why then do guys doing barbell curls with the same weight, a year later, do the same barbell curl, again, with the same weight? One reason is that they just don’t understand how to get stronger and how to make progress.

Below are 6 steps that should get the ball rolling and fully load the biceps:

1. Choice of grip

A wide grip means more stretch and the load is more concentrated on the short head of the biceps, while a narrow grip involves the long head. Always alternate grip width!

2. Voltage

The biceps receives the greatest tension in lifting the bar in the region of 80-100 degrees from the elbow bend. Keep this in mind and try to concentrate in order to go through this range, straining your biceps as much as possible!

3. Technique

– Don’t let your elbows go up. To do this, try to keep your elbows closer to your waist.
Don’t let your shoulders get involved in the work. After all, we train biceps, right?

4. Rack

Do not take your shoulders forward, but try, on the contrary, to slightly bring your shoulder blades together. Keep your abdominal muscles tense.

5. Eliminate inertia

Raise and lower the bar smoothly, without unnecessary movements. This will help you maximize the loading of the biceps, thereby creating a more stressful situation for him and, accordingly, giving more incentive for growth.

6. Alternate

Change the number of reps per set each week to target different muscle fibers. Do 5-7 repetitions the first week, and train the biceps muscles in the 10-20 range for the second week.

Below is a biceps workout program:

– Lifting the bar for biceps 3 * 5-15. Rest 60 seconds.
– Lifting dumbbells grip “hammer”. 3*10-20. Rest 60 seconds.
– Lifting dumbbells for biceps on an inclined bench. 3*7-14. Rest 60 seconds.
– Lifting the EZ bar for biceps. 2*21. Rest 120 seconds.

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