Message: #69401
Татьяна Юсупова » 05 Feb 2017, 03:52

Basic biceps exercise

Lifting the barbell for biceps is one of the most effective and easy to perform exercises for the isolated study of the muscles of the hands. The main advantage of lifting the biceps is that as a result of their correct execution, not only the arms develop, but also the top of the shoulder girdle.

However, despite the seeming simplicity of the exercise, most beginner athletes do it incorrectly, transferring the load from the biceps muscles to the shoulders and causing pain in the neck. In order for the barbell curl to be truly effective, perfect technique is needed.

Common and typical strength training mistakes that lead to neck pain. How to get rid of neck pain?

Biceps curls: the anatomy of movement
Strictly speaking, biceps curls are not an anatomical movement – in real life, we rarely lift a load or heavy object from the floor in this way. The main function of the biceps muscles is to lift the body up, carried out, for example, with pull-ups with a reverse grip.

That is why anatomically, the biceps is connected not only with the triceps, but also with the shoulder girdle, upper chest and even the muscles of the back. Establishing a muscle-brain connection with these muscle groups and the ability to involve them in the work when lifting the biceps is the key point of the training.

The main mistakes of technology
Using too much weight for bicep curls is the most common mistake. Too much weight transfers stress to those muscles that should not be involved in the movement, tightening the shoulder girdle. As a result, a hunched and skewed figure is formed.

The second mistake is to turn your head while doing the exercise in an attempt to see yourself in the mirror. However, since the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck are indirectly involved in lifting the biceps, turning the head “under load” can cause pain in the neck and even displacement of the vertebrae.

How to do a bicep curl?

Lifting the bar for biceps while standing
Standing straight, grab the barbell with a shoulder-width grip (palms facing up, bar touching the top of the thighs). Bend your knees slightly to reduce pressure on your lower back. The shoulders and shoulder blades are laid back and slightly lowered, the chest is slightly forward, the press is tense. Looking just below the horizon.

Slowly lift the bar with the strength of your hands – its trajectory should resemble a semicircle. AT at the top of the movement (the bar is at shoulder level), you should feel the tension in the biceps. Make sure that the position of the body does not change, and you do not swing back and forth.

Elbow position
Pressing the elbows to the body, contrary to popular belief, is not necessary. AT верхней точке движения локти должны быть слегка (однако лишь слегка) выставлены вперед, позволяя таким образом максимизировать амплитуду — это увеличит нагрузку на бицепс даже при меньшем рабочем весе.

AT нижней точке движения руки не должны полностью распрямляться в локтях, поскольку это снижает мышечный контроль и нагрузку на бицепс (сравните с расслаблением рук в подтягиваниях). In addition, the full and uncontrolled extension of the elbow when lifting the biceps can even be traumatic.

How to build biceps
Training rules for rapid biceps growth: the best exercises and technique secrets. ATсе о том, как добиться большого бицепса с прорисованными венами.

How to pump up your arms
The main rules of training and the most effective exercises for creating powerful hands. Tips for beginners on how to learn to feel the work of triceps and biceps.
What is better – a regular or curved barbell?
Curved EZ Bar Curl for Biceps
EZ Bar Curl for Biceps
ATыполнение подъемов на бицепс со штангой с EZ-грифом (он, в отличии от грифа обычной прямой штанги, слегка изогнут) является предпочтительным. In addition to the fact that the EZ bar takes unnecessary stress off the elbows and wrists, it engages the bicep muscles more effectively.

Among other things, it is the EZ bar that allows you to work out the muscles of the upper body, forming a classic sports figure with powerful shoulders. To do this, perform bicep curls with a narrow grip and palms down. The weight used is low, 3-4 sets of 15-17 reps.

Bicep curls for beginners
For beginners, before moving on to doing bicep curls with a barbell or with dumbbells, it is first recommended to learn how to feel the muscles of the biceps. No matter how strange it may sound, but most beginner athletes do not involve the biceps in the work, performing the exercises in a fundamentally wrong way.

The best way to build and develop the connection between the biceps and the brain is to do concentrated dumbbell curls on a biceps press bench. ATыполняйте 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps with medium weight, trying to “catch” the feeling that it is the biceps that lifts the weight.

The key point when doing bicep curls is the correct position of the body. The chest should be slightly forward, the press is tense, the shoulder blades are laid back and down. Using excessive working weight can shift the load from the biceps, making the exercise pointless.

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