Message: #75438
Лена Калининград » 14 Feb 2017, 13:04

Intense Workout: Burn Fat Faster

Cool figure in 15 minutes a day? It’s possible! We have prepared for you an intense workout that will leave no chance for excess weight.
The fitness concept is built around time-tested movements (from functional training), maximum efficiency (you don’t have to hang around in the gym for hours) and high intensity (get ready to sweat a lot).
* Perform the complex with supersets.
*Start with the first exercise (1A) and do a maximum of 30 seconds in it, then – without a pause! – do the same with 1B; and so three times.
* Rest for a minute.
* In the same way, work out all the other pairs (2A and 2B, 3A and 3B, 4A and 4B).
*Another option is to add your favorite movements to your regular workout to give it efficiency and novelty.
1A. Bench press with legs raised
Take dumbbells and lie on your back. Spread your elbows to the sides and fix the shells above your chest (triceps on the floor, forearms vertical, palms facing forward). Legs, feet together, lift and stretch.
Tightening the press and holding this position, squeeze the dumbbells up until the arms are fully extended. Pause and slowly lower back – that’s 1 rep.
TIP: Too hard? Bend your legs or even put your feet on the floor. Very simple? Keep your feet close to the floor, but don’t touch it.

1B. “Bear walking” to the sides
Get down on all fours, arms and hips vertical, legs bent at a right angle. Without rounding your back, lift your knees off the floor.
Keeping the position of the body, slowly move the right palm and foot a few centimeters to the side; then put the left ones closer to them. Then do the same in reverse. Continue alternating sides.

2A. Stretch in plank
Take an emphasis lying down: palms exactly under the shoulders, feet together.
Keeping your abs tight and your back straight, jump your legs apart, landing softly on your toes. Immediately return to the starting position – this is 1 repetition.

2B. Jumping from a low start
Step your right foot back and lower into a lunge until your supporting thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Then, keeping your back straight, lean forward and touch the floor with your right hand (pull your left back).
In one motion, straighten up and jump up, raising your right knee and left arm (and pulling your right back).
Come back to position A – and keep jumping out briskly. After 15 seconds, switch sides.

3A. Steps to the side slopes
Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and sit down a little: keep your body upright, hands in front of your chest. Take two small steps to the right, keeping your feet parallel to each other.
Bend over, turning the body, touch your right foot with your left hand.
Without getting up from the semi-squat, do the same to the left side. Keep alternating without slowing down.

3B. Burpee with dumbbell press
Lower yourself into a squat, placing the dumbbells in front of you on the floor.
Leaning on their barbells, jump your legs back to take the prone position.
Then, in the same way, with a jump, return to point-blank sitting and stand up, raising the dumbbells to your shoulders (keep your elbows closer to the body).
Squeeze the shells over your head until your arms are fully extended. Returning to the starting position, you will get 1 repetition.

4A. “Lumberjack” with a jump
Grab a dumbbell with both hands and stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Keeping your back straight, sit down slightly and bend over, lowering the projectile between your legs.
Quickly straighten up and jump up while lifting the dumbbell over your head. Immediately return to the position and without a pause go to the next repetition.

4B. Twisting “Starfish”
Lie on your back and spread your arms and legs, forming the letter “X”.
In one movement, lift your left leg and body, turning it around so that your right hand touches the foot. Slowly lower back down and repeat with the right leg and left arm. Keep alternating sides.

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