Message: #94420
Аннета Эссекс » 31 Mar 2017, 00:53

Why baby needs to learn to swim

Let’s see why doctors are so fond of advising children to swim and what are its benefits? What does swimming really give your child? Let’s start in order.

1. Swimming saves you from colds. Yes, the fact that the child becomes stronger and healthier is understandable. But thanks to what? Thanks to the breath. Nothing develops the respiratory system like swimming. Why is it important? In children, the volume of the chest is much smaller than in adults, the respiratory muscles are weaker, and the child breathes more often than an adult. Because the airways are narrow, and the mucous membrane is tender and vulnerable, the infection gets easily. Too easy. While swimming, your child breathes clean, dust-free, humidified air, and his respiratory organs are forced to overcome the resistance of water. Each inhalation-exhalation is an excellent breathing exercise. What does it mean? His muscles are getting stronger. The chest becomes more mobile. And the vital capacity of the lungs increases. The child catches cold less often and does not know bronchitis and pneumonia.

2. The child becomes more stable. He gets sick less often, and if he gets sick, then everything goes easily and quickly: a few days – and he is healthy. The reason for this, again, is breathing: when swimming, he breathes intensely and deeply, the nasal passages are washed, stagnation leaves the bronchi and lungs, and sputum is coughed up.

3. His heart begins to work better, and the vessels get stronger. Yes, swimming brings special benefits to the cardiovascular system: in the pool, the child is in a horizontal position and almost in weightlessness, respectively, the load on the heart is reduced.

4. The child is getting slimmer and straighter. Swimming develops correct posture. When we are in water, gravity does not act on the spine as much as in air, and allows it to rest; uniform loads of the spinal muscles help to align the spine. In a child, it is still being formed: it is soft, elastic, and therefore easily curved. The lifting force of the water, which supports the child on the surface, as if lightens the body, and this reduces the pressure on the supporting apparatus, and the spine is formed correctly, evenly. It is the pool that saves children from scoliosis – one of the scourges of our time – and improves coordination of movements.

5. Swimming makes a child stronger and stronger. In every way. The vital capacity of the lungs increases, muscles and ligaments become stronger. Swimming is one of two sports that all the muscles in the body are involved. In the pool, your child becomes stronger and more resilient.

6. Swimming is calming: makes the nervous system of the child stable.

7. There are many more reasons than seven, but we must stop somewhere. Finally, just remember that swimming is the best medicine. It improves metabolism, sleep, appetite – after the pool, the child eats for two and sleeps soundly. Swimming trains all systems of the body: it strengthens the bone, trains the circulatory system, improves the respiratory system, normalizes the nervous system … isn’t that enough?

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