Message: #96136
Аннета Эссекс » 07 Apr 2017, 10:06

Bodyflex. Seiko exercise.

In Japanese, this word means “flame”. And the exercise really creates a feeling of flame in the upper part of the legs. It tightens the thigh area.
Starting pose: Stand on your hands and knees and extend your straight right leg to the side, at a right angle to the body. The right foot should be on the floor.
Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.

Basic Pose: Raise your outstretched leg to hip height like a dog pouring water from a tap. Pull it forward towards the head. The leg must remain straight. In this exercise, the sock can be pulled and bent – it does not matter. Just hold on for 8 counts. Take a breath and lower your leg into the starting position on the floor. The exercise should be performed three times on each side.

Do’s and Don’ts

• Do not bend your raised leg at the knee. This relieves tension on the inner thigh. ” Try to raise your leg as high as possible. Most people manage to lift it only 9 centimeters off the floor the first time.

• When lifting your legs, keep your arms straight. You can lean slightly to the opposite side to keep your balance, but try to stay as straight as possible.

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