Message: #180127
Арнольд Железо » 07 Sep 2017, 10:23

The role of fat burners in building your body

suddenly happened on a diet), and not on the one already present in the body. Эти препараты могут связывать (хитозан, МКЦ, CLA) и расщеплять липолитические нутриенты (бромелайн, пищеварительные ферменты типа липаз etc.).
▪ Means that affect carbohydrate metabolism. They can also improve their absorption, which means an increase in glycogen stores (eg, alpha-lipoic acid, chromium, B1).
▪ Antitoxins. Getting rid of unnecessary "dirt" can remove up to five kg of excess weight per month, cleansing the body of toxins also contributes to the normalization of metabolism, which directly leads to an increase in energy utilization from fat depots.
Until recently, one of the most effective fat-burning drugs was those that included ephedrine (ephedra). However, due to some reasons, preparations containing ephedra were banned for free sale (ephedrine was withdrawn from free sale a long time ago). Thus, manufacturers of nutritional supplements have received an incentive to look for substances that do not have a negative effect on the body, but also have a high fat-burning power.
Fat Burning Agents
Among the agents that contribute to the breakdown and utilization of fatty acids in deposits that are unsightly in appearance and unpleasant to the touch, flora gifts are widely used - extracts from plants.
Along with specialized additives, fat burners necessarily include vitamins to strengthen the nervous system - B1, B4; to support the cardiovascular system - C, B12; to protect muscles and ligaments - E, B2; for the normalization of digestion - B12, B6, and, of course, to support the immune system, which especially needs this when reducing the calorie content of the diet and increasing aerobic exercise.
Included here are substances of inorganic origin: zinc (30 mg), magnesium (450 mg) in order to improve metabolism. Selenium (50-200 mcg) to ensure the normal function of the enzymatic antioxidant system. Phosphorus (100 mg) to accelerate the provision of energy to the body during the breakdown of ATP. Chromium (200-600 mcg) has of great importance in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, participating in the process of insulin synthesis, regulates appetite and reduces cravings for sweets, stabilizes the weight achieved after losing weight.
Not fat burners alone
At the stage of fat burning, not only fat burners help a lot, but also other dietary supplements, and sports nutrition. So, for example, replacing a couple of meals with a protein shake or a meal replacement aimed specifically at burning fat (there is one), you completely insure yourself against excess calories and suppress your appetite, while receiving all the necessary nutritional elements.
In addition, to speed up the process of fat burning, and not weight loss, it is necessary to include anti-catabolic agents in the diet. After all, the more muscle, the less fat you have. Muscles that have a high energy intensity will “eat up” additional calories, preventing them from turning into fat (unless, of course, they go over with butter and sugar). Be sure to use glutamine, vitamins and amino acids! They will support immunity, reduce recovery time after grueling workouts and will not allow, as they say, “crumble”, lose muscle tissue, for which everything was started. Why is it necessary in sports, everyone understands. Why is it needed in everyday life? Just beautiful!
There is a science, from the point of view of which beauty will really save the world. From stupidity, from greed, from cowardice. And this science is psychosomatics, the postulate of which is the connection between the spiritual and the material in a human being. No disease comes just like that: the root cause is the emotional state, and any feeling depends on bodily comfort and satisfaction with one's physical condition. If the body is in harmony with the soul, then the soul is in harmony with the surrounding world. It is bad when emotional disorders arise on the basis of rejection of one's body, the emphasis on shortcomings leads to serious mental illness. The result is sad.
But somehow I don’t want to talk about sad things. Let people be beautiful both outside and inside, in the sense - in the soul. Then maybe there is no need to save anyone. And in order to stay in harmony with your health and not drive yourself with "grandmother's" methods of fat loss, refer to drugs designed specifically to speed up the result with the maximum preservation of all functions. organism. This is a must for both amateurs and professionals. In other words, win beautifully! Take the best from the future that has already arrived, use its gifts and avoid the temptations of progress. Namely: forget about McDonald's - eat healthy food; do not give your money to tobacco companies - smoking slows down the breakdown of neutral fat; break away from virtual games and learn the technique of running in reality. There are four aces in your deck of cards for a successful solitaire game called "burning fat":
▪ DESIRE (psychological attitude to the result, perseverance);
▪ TRAINING (the right combination of strength and aerobic activities);
▪ DIET (balanced nutrition);
▪ BAPA (biologically active food supplements, which are designed to complement the first three elements).
And when the aces are in hand, then all the sixes and deuces will fall into the suit. And this, you see, is nice. You just need to keep in sight all the elements and not stumble over the little things. After all, the head is needed not only to eat there. Plan your "burn" in advance and enjoy the game. Live and be healthy!

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