Message: #54657
Buckshee » 12 Jan 2017, 07:46

100% Protein Dissert

The best dessert for a bodybuilder!

You can eat at any time of the day or night!
You get 40 grams of pure protein, 0 fat and 0 carbs.

Also strengthen your joints

We will need:
• package of gelatin – 15-20g;
• stingy protein – 30g (by the way, I have an unrealistically delicious, purest isolate from ON with a taste of chocolate);
• 300ml of water.

1. Dissolve gelatin in 150 ml of water according to the instructions on the package, allow to cool slightly.
2. Dissolve the protein in the remaining 150 ml of water.
3. Mix everything and pour into molds (or into one bowl and eat it all yourself: D), then put it in the refrigerator for several hours to solidify, preferably at night)

PS. In general, you can add whatever your heart desires: nuts, berries, chocolate, coconut flakes (but then it will not be a night dessert)
In general, experiment.

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