Message: #413881
Аннета Эссекс » 21 Nov 2018, 19:06

Best Protein Shake Recipes

Absolutely any athlete can prepare a protein shake. The main thing is that there is a desire and all the necessary ingredients for cooking. After all, in any sport it is very important to eat right, especially in bodybuilding. And in order to achieve good results, you need to take the right amount of protein. In this situation, not only meat can help you, but also protein shakes that you can cook yourself if you master several recipes well.

An excellent alternative to meat is a powdered concentrate of different types of proteins. Concentrated protein initially could not boast of digestibility. From him, bodybuilders winced as if from a headache. But today the situation has become much better and the market began to offer a huge selection of proteins. The powder should not go on a par with natural nutrition. This article will talk about the most popular protein shakes made from natural products. These cocktails can be prepared independently and you can even prepare them at home.

1. Cocktail "Hot cocoa"


- a teaspoon of quality chocolate protein (whey)

- a glass of skimmed milk

- a quarter cup of homemade cheese

- one small bag of cocoa, which dissolves quickly

Milk should be warmed up as best as possible, but not brought to a boil, and then pour it into a blender. Then you need to pour protein there, add cheese and cocoa. All this must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed.

The composition of the cocktail includes twenty carbohydrates, two hundred and seventy-five calories, one gram of fat and forty-four grams of protein. This cocktail should be taken before you go to bed.

2. Cocktail "Vanilla Paradise"


- one milligram of vanilla-flavored casein

- a spoonful of vanilla protein (preferably whey)

- half a glass of milk

- vanilla yogurt (fat-free)

In a separate container, mix yogurt and protein. The mass must be homogeneous and there should not be any lumps. Pour milk into a large glass and add protein and yogurt there, and then mix very gently. It is advisable not to use a blender, because the protein with yogurt is already mixed. It is best to stir this cocktail spoon.

The composition of the cocktail includes one gram of fat, forty-eight grams of protein, sixty-one grams of carbohydrates and four hundred and forty-three calories. You need to take a cocktail after a workout.

3. Cocktail "Peach Valley"


- whey vanilla protein

- glass of water

- a bag of oatmeal

- one can of peaches (canned)

All these ingredients must be mixed in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Oatmeal will help fill the body with fiber. If you do not really like the taste of oatmeal, then you can replace them with cornflakes.

The cocktail contains two grams of fat, twenty-four grams of carbohydrates, two grams of fiber, twenty-four grams of protein and three hundred and six calories. This shake should be taken before morning workout.

4.Orange smoothie


- Whey Protein

- a glass of orange juice

- half a cup of vanilla yogurt (fat-free)

All ingredients must be mixed in a blender. In order to prepare this cocktail, you only need 100% orange juice and it is best to have it freshly squeezed.

The shake consists of one gram of fat, two hundred and eighty calories, forty-three grams of carbohydrates, two grams of fiber and twenty-seven grams of protein.

5. Chocolate-nut cocktail


- Whey Protein со вкусом шоколада

- a glass of milk, which must be skimmed

- grated almonds about two handfuls

- half a crushed chocolate bar

Protein with milk should be mixed in a blender, and then grated almonds with chocolate chips should be poured on top. This cocktail is recommended to be eaten with a spoon, because chocolate and nuts gradually settle to the bottom.

The shake consists of forty-one carbohydrates, eight grams of fiber, seventeen grams of fat, four hundred and fifty-seven calories and forty-one grams of carbohydrates. It is recommended to take a cocktail before training.

6. Cocktail “Chocolate-Nut Delight”


- vanilla whey protein

- one milliliter of casein

- a cup of lemonade

Lemonade must be mixed with protein, and then cover this container very tightly. In order for the ingredients to mix better, the container needs to be shaken a little. This cocktail should be prepared not with sugar, but with sweeteners.

As part of this shake one gram of fat, forty-three grams of protein, four hundred and five calories and one gram of fat. Take this cocktail only after the training process.

7. Mocha cocktail


- one cup of hot coffee

- two spoons of honey

- Whey Protein со вкусом шоколада

All these products must be mixed in a blender. This cocktail is very useful for a low-calorie diet, but it is not advisable to add honey to it.

As part of this коктейля тридцать шесть углеводов, двести пятнадцать калорий и двадцать грамм протеина. This cocktail is recommended to be taken in the morning as well as during the day.

8. Banana Protein Shake


- skimmed milk

- Whey Protein с шоколадным вкусом

- one small banana

- a tablespoon of hazelnut oil

All these ingredients should be mixed well in a blender. When preparing this cocktail, you need coconut oil and, most importantly, that it does not contain flavors and sweeteners. Coconut oil can also be substituted with olive oil.

The shake consists of forty-six carbohydrates, four hundred and sixty-one calories, two grams of fiber, sixteen fats, and thirty-seven grams of protein. The cocktail is recommended to be taken before training either in the afternoon or in the morning. You can also add ingredients such as ice and peanut butter to the cocktail.

9. Press Diet Cocktail


- a cup of milk

- oatmeal soaked in water

- two tablespoons of vanilla yogurt (should be low fat)

- Whey Protein с шоколадным вкусом

- a teaspoon of peanut butter

- four pieces of ice (must be crushed)

The cocktail contains four grams of fat, twelve grams of protein, two hundred and twenty calories, twenty-nine carbohydrates and three grams of fiber.

10. Fragrant strawberry cocktail


- half a glass of vanilla yogurt

- a cup of 1% milk

- two milliliters of whey protein

- two tablespoons of peanut butter

- 1 cup strawberries (frozen)

- six pieces of crushed ice

The cocktail contains five grams of fat, eleven grams of protein, twenty-six carbohydrates, one hundred and eighty-six calories and three grams of fiber.

11. Orange-banana cocktail


- one banana

- half a cup of yogurt (vanilla)

- one-eighth cup orange juice (frozen)

- half a cup of 1% milk

- five crushed ice cubes

The cocktail contains two grams of fat, eight grams of protein, one hundred and seventy-one calories, two grams of fiber and thirty-three grams of carbohydrates.

12. Cocktail "Berry Forest"


- 1/4 cup milk (skimmed)

- oatmeal soaked in skim milk

- half a glass of a mixture of strawberries (frozen) as well as blueberries and raspberries

- Whey Protein

- 3 ice cubes (very small)

The cocktail contains one gram of fat, seven grams of protein, one hundred and forty-four calories, twenty-seven carbohydrates and four grams of fiber.

13. Summer Sun Protein Shake


- one banana

- two or three cups of strawberries (frozen)

- one quarter cup of milk

- vanilla whey protein

- three crushed ice cubes

- one hundred and twenty grams of vanilla yogurt (low-fat)

- finely chopped nutmeg

The cocktail contains two grams of fat, one hundred ninety-nine calories, thirty-nine grams of carbohydrates, four grams of fiber and nine grams of protein.

14. Cocktail from Arnold Schwarzenegger


- one egg

- a glass of milk

- a cup of milk ice cream

- half a cup of skimmed milk powder

All these components must be mixed in a blender until a uniform consistency is obtained.

15. Berry-banana smoothie


- fresh fruits (bananas or berries)

- three hundred grams of whole milk (or fruit juice)

- Brewer's yeast

- three eggs

- four ice cubes

- three milliliters of protein powder

First you need to beat the fruit well in a blender and add milk. The remaining ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

16. Cocktail "Drink from Steve Reeves"


- two tablespoons of dry milk

- four hundred grams of orange juice

- four eggs (raw)

- one banana

- a spoonful of gelatin

- a spoonful of honey

All ingredients must be mixed well in a blender for half an hour until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

17. Cocktail from Dikul


- one hundred grams of cottage cheese

- one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream

- two teaspoons of honey

- 3 tablespoons finely chopped chocolate

In a blender you need to put sour cream, and then cottage cheese, honey and chocolate. Beat this mixture well until you get a homogeneous mass. Of course, powder-based cocktails are much more effective, but it is not advisable to abuse them, because you can do much harm to your health.

18. Cocktail of champions


- two hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese

- a small handful of vanilla sugar

- five sweetener tablets

- four hundred and fifty grams of yogurt

In a blender, you need to pour cottage cheese, yogurt, a sweetener well dissolved in warm water and vanillin. All this must be mixed and consumed twenty minutes before the start of the workout. This cocktail can be consumed regardless of the schedule, because everything will be non-caloric and very tasty.

The advantages of this cocktail are naturalness, the optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates and taste. But this cocktail has one drawback; it cannot be taken for heavy training.

The cocktail consists of one and a half grams of fat, eight grams of sucrose, seventeen grams of carbohydrates, twenty-one grams of protein and one hundred and sixty-seven calories.

19. Protein-carbohydrate shake

This recipe is effective and there are no side effects from it at all. For one course of application, a person is able to add up to ten kilograms in weight. You need to repeat the course if necessary after three months.

You need to take four hundred grams of lard and six apples (green). This all needs to be finely chopped and mixed, and then heated in the oven over very low heat and

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