Message: #368151
Аннета Эссекс » 26 Jul 2018, 08:50

Nutrition for weight loss workout

Taking care of the harmony of the figure, most people, as a rule, do not combine diets and workouts for weight loss. Someone does not want to give up their favorite foods, including sweets, flour and fatty foods – such people often strive to compensate for high-calorie nutrition with increased physical activity, doing all the simulators in a row; others, on the contrary, are ready to starve for weeks, just to “not torture themselves” with gymnastics, fitness and other sports “entertainment”.

Such behavior either leads to temporary successes or ends in failure altogether. Not everyone can follow a low-calorie diet for a long time, and it shouldn’t be done, and training without changing the diet only exhausts you, without giving noticeable results. Therefore, those who decide to actively train – here we are talking about them – need to reconsider their diet so that it helps to get rid of fat and at the same time strengthen muscle tissue: then the body will be beautiful, slim and fit.

Nutrition during training: what to refuse?
When training for such goals, you need to eat in such a way that every day you spend calories a little more than they are consumed with food. It seems like a simple task, but few people want to count calories, so you can choose certain foods and stick to this diet without going astray.

First, let’s talk about what you can’t eat. First of all, this food is salty, smoked, fried and sweet: its consumption leads to fluid retention and accumulation of fats in the body. Sweet drinks, including juices with sugar, should also be excluded, as well as simple carbohydrates – white bread and pastries. Semi-finished products, canned food and other “ready-to-eat” industrial products not only do not contribute to weight loss, but are generally harmful to health: if you decide to train for beauty and harmony, it’s time to wean them.

And what is necessary in nutrition for weight loss during training?
Of course, most of all the body in such cases needs protein. In our everyday life, natural proteins should also make up a large part of the diet, and with an active lifestyle and regular training, they become vital. If there is not enough protein, the weight will begin to decrease, not due to a decrease in fat reserves, but due to the loss of muscle mass, which most of us already have. is not in the best condition. Such weight loss will not lead to beauty and flexibility, but to weakness and exhaustion – this is not at all the result that we need.

Therefore, the menu should have enough low-fat, but not fat-free proteins. These are dairy products: milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese.

A little more about cheese. It is usually suggested to choose hard cheese, but hard cheeses are often salty and pungent in taste, and also contain a lot of calories. Rather, you should choose any cheese that is low in fat and salt, like cottage cheese and Adyghe, but you can soft or semi-soft; of hard cheeses, some varieties of Edam are the least nutritious.

Eggs are obligatory – especially proteins, and it is highly desirable to eat dietary meat, fish and seafood – of course, if you are not a supporter of vegetarianism. Vegetarians, especially strict ones, will have to eat more legumes and nuts, and include soy products in the diet: tofu, soy meat, soy milk. For example, after a workout, you can drink a vegetarian protein shake: beat soy milk (200 ml), sprouted soy beans (100 g), 100 g of fresh non-acidic berries and 1/2 banana in a blender.

From carbohydrates, in addition to fresh vegetables and fruits, you need to choose “complex” options: brown rice and other whole grains, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, potatoes, homemade jam or jam.

It is better to exclude free fats from the diet altogether: that is, to give up butter, sour cream and any fatty foods; do not be afraid that the body will not have enough fat – it will get enough of them from cheese, nuts, milk, etc.

If you are not yet accustomed to drinking water, training is unlikely to be successful. Toxins that “stir up” during intense exercise should be quickly washed out, and cells should have enough clean water: you need to drink not only before and after training, but also during it.

Pre-workout nutrition
Fat-containing foods, like cheese, should not be eaten before training. Not only does fat interfere with the absorption of protein and carbohydrates, it can also cause stomach problems during exercise and nullify all efforts.

An hour or half an hour before class, you can eat boiled chicken breast or a slice of turkey with brown rice, or a protein omelette with oatmeal porridge, or lean beef with green peas and stewed carrots. It is also recommended to drink a glass of unsweetened natural coffee or strong green tea to reduce fatigue and accelerate fat loss during exercise.

If you eat a salad or vegetable soup, it is best to do this 1.5-2 hours before training so that there is no feeling of “bulkness” in the stomach. You don’t need to eat anything right before class.

In general, the menu for the 1st half of the day on the day of training can be like this.

In the morning: oatmeal (2-3 tablespoons), apple, low-fat cottage cheese (150-200 g), tea with milk.
2nd breakfast: orange, 50 g of cheese (or 100 g of cottage cheese), low-fat kefir.
Lunch: boiled dietary meat or fish (250 g), fresh herbs, a small portion of pasta.
Snack: 2 boiled eggs, or natural yogurt, or fruit, or vegetable salad.

Experts also recommend eating foods such as potatoes, nuts, beans, lentils, sprouted wheat, celery, parsnips and other greens before training.

If you’re exercising early in the morning, you don’t need to eat at all, but for those who can’t exercise on an empty stomach, you can eat some low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, or drink green tea with honey.

Nutrition after training
After a workout, muscles need protein and carbohydrates to recover. When can you eat?

Opinions differ: someone believes that, ideally, you can take any food, and even drink water no earlier than 2 hours later, while other experts recommend not to wait in any case, but to start eating 20-30 minutes after class. For example, drink a carbohydrate-protein shake of low-fat milk, honey (1 tsp) and 1/2 banana. After another couple of hours, you can eat 1-2 baked potatoes with fresh herbs and natural yogurt; for dinner – boiled squid or shrimp (200 g), steamed broccoli and kefir.

Another option is to drink a high-carbohydrate juice after a workout – grape, peach, apricot, mango, etc.; the next meal is a salad of fresh cucumbers with dill and white cabbage, boiled meat or fish (200 g). In the evening – kefir and green tea.

High-quality vitamin and mineral complexes will help supplement nutrition.

In order for the weight to start to go away, during the period of intense training, you need to eat often and little by little – 5-6, or even 7 times a day: two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea, a snack, dinner and, if you really want to eat before bedtime, a light meal (drink) for the night. At the same time, a number of recommendations note the importance of a sufficient break between the last meal and bedtime: a break should be 3 hours, or at least at least 2 hours.

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