Message: #175719
Кристина Бергамотовна » 30 Aug 2017, 23:43

How to eat while exercising

Without careful attention to proper nutrition during training, serious results are almost impossible to achieve. Athletes of a professional level pay the most careful attention to the issue of their diet, developing proper nutrition during training for each day, taking into account the training plan, setting individually the most suitable time for eating.

Experienced athletes are well aware of what vitamins and foods they need with proper nutrition to achieve results in training in the gym, and how much they should be presented in a particular dish. Another thing is beginners who are just starting to train in the gym and have no idea about proper nutrition during training.

As a rule, for a person who is just starting to engage in regular physical exercises, the issue of proper nutrition during training seems unimportant. Only after consulting with more experienced comrades, the beginner changes his idea of ​​​​proper nutrition when playing sports and the importance of his diet.

In order to avoid such mistakes, it is necessary, before starting regular training, to understand how important proper nutrition is when playing sports, and how it is necessary to form it correctly. We will not talk here about all kinds of nutritional supplements in proper nutrition – it is recommended to use them only after individual consultation with specialists. However, let’s try to figure out how to eat right during training.

The following recommendations for proper nutrition are general in nature, and are quite universal. At the same time, in order to achieve maximum results in the gym, it is recommended to consult with specialists who can help you create the right menu for every day, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete and training plan.

What should be the diet during training

First of all, it should be borne in mind that any physical activity, and first of all, sports exercises in the gym, is an enhanced muscular activity. Protein in the human body is responsible for the formation and repair of body cells and tissues. Accordingly increases the need to increase protein nutrition during training.

Some believe that the consumption of carbohydrates and fats during sports should be seriously limited, as they lead to an increase in body fat. However, this is not the case – carbohydrates and even fats are sources of energy, which is simply necessary for sports activities in the gym.

It should be understood that the lack of carbohydrates, and even products containing fat, negatively affects the performance during sports, and therefore – inadequate training. Insufficient effort expended in training makes it impossible to achieve maximum muscle activity, which does not allow muscles to grow. Another thing is that everything should be in moderation, and you should not get carried away while observing a proper diet with foods with excess carbohydrates and fats.

The correct nutrition regimen for sports, experts mainly recommend establishing the following:

first breakfast;
afternoon tea;
It should be borne in mind that from the total number of calories that the body should receive per day, taking into account classes in the gym. Approximately, the total amount of food with proper nutrition that is recommended to eat per day is about 5% of your body weight.

Proper nutrition during training: what you can and cannot eat

When starting sports and learning how to eat right during training, many beginner athletes are interested in the question of what dietary restrictions are. However, there are no radical restrictions for proper nutrition during the sports cycle – you can use almost everything that is not forbidden to you by doctors based on your state of health. However, it is desirable that the food during training was not too fatty. In addition, when you swing, it is recommended to reduce the use of such products as sweet pastries, confectionery, sweet drinks – lemonade, coffee and tea with sugar. It is better to replace sugar with honey.

It would be nice to know the number of calories you expend during training, which will help to establish a more or less exact number of calories in the food that you need to take during the day when playing sports.

On the day you have your workout scheduled, proper nutrition can be a little reinforced. However, remember that you need to eat at least 1.5 hours before playing sports, and in no case during it! But during training, you can drink water – little by little, several sips every 15-20 minutes. This is necessary so that the pressure is stable, and there is no dehydration of the body during training. In this case, you must carefully monitor that the water is not too cold.

Of course, the body, heated up during sports, asks for something cold, but it is better if the water is at room temperature, otherwise the risk of getting sick increases, and this will at least destroy the continuity of sports.

The issue of proper nutrition during training is important because the effectiveness of sports depends primarily on how responsibly and qualitatively you approach its solution.

Very often from inexperienced athletes one can hear complaints that, despite the regularity and intensity of training, a carefully drawn up training plan, when you swing, noticeable results are not observed for a sufficiently long time. However, a careful study of this problem leads to the conclusion that it is precisely the lack of attention to one’s proper diet, the choice of foods consumed, as well as a non-optimal diet, that seriously hamper the results of sports.

At the same time, nutrition correction carried out by specialists or more experienced colleagues contributes to a sharp rapid increase in the effectiveness of classes when you swing.

Thus, just starting to plan your training process, drawing up a sports plan, you must immediately draw up a proper nutrition plan, taking into account both the products most suitable for the result to be achieved as quickly as possible, and the time of eating.

It is quite obvious that, unlike professional athletes, amateurs need to approach this issue even more responsibly when you swing, because, unlike professionals, for whom sports are the most important activity, amateurs need to form not only their training plan, taking into account extraneous professional activities, but also their diet. Indeed, often during work it is not possible to eat right at home, where you can pick up the necessary products, and observe a certain meal time.

These moments, at first glance, insignificant, nevertheless, are extremely important, and sometimes decisive for achieving results.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it would be a very right decision to consult from time to time with a nutritionist on sports nutrition, who will help you choose the most optimal range of products for you, and, if necessary, will be able to adjust the menu depending on the condition your physical form at a particular stage of your training process.

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