Message: #175899
Кристина Бергамотовна » 31 Aug 2017, 11:07

What to drink during a workout? Sports Drinks

During sports training, the body experiences increased stress. The heart rate increases, the body temperature rises, and a large amount of energy is lost. Some athletes feel very tired after training and therefore try to find drinks and meals for themselves that will allow them to recuperate. Others seek to get rid of body fat, and here, too, you can use special liquids. Still others believe that drinking during and after sports is not necessary at all.
The optimal solution is water
There is a misconception that you can lose weight if you actively remove fluid from the body. Supporters of this theory try to limit fluid intake, use diuretics, and the question “what to drink during training” is completely irrelevant for them. However, this is a serious mistake, for which you can pay with your own health. Indeed, with violations of the water balance, the whole body can suffer. It is very important that the liquid constantly enters the body, and at the same time, the daily rate of its consumption must be observed. Those who are interested in what to drink during a workout often think that water is the most appropriate liquid to drink during exercise. Indeed, this is a very reasonable approach. Indeed, during physical exertion, body temperature rises, sweating increases. The blood becomes more viscous, and all these symptoms of dehydration can have a lot of consequences. For example, kidney stones, thromboembolism, even a heart attack. Therefore, you can and should drink water during sports. When the viscosity of the blood increases and fluid does not enter the body, the athlete may experience a sharp drop in blood pressure and fainting.
Get rid of excess liquid
When removing fluid from the body, you can actually observe some weight loss. However, it is not associated with a decrease in the volume of adipose tissue, but is associated with a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body. And the safest way to remove excess fluid in the body, paradoxically, is to drink plenty of water. If, on the contrary, you drink little, then the body will accumulate water, and body volumes will grow.
Drinking rules
Those who decide that they will drink water during training should follow a few simple rules. Usually during physical activity, it is recommended to drink liquid in small portions, or simply moisten your mouth with water to reduce thirst. Most of the water should be consumed two hours before a workout, as well as after it ends. Some people think that you should not drink after a workout. This opinion is argued by the fact that water makes the blood heavier, gives an additional load on the internal organs. However, here, as in everything, it is worth listening to the individual characteristics of the body. The best option is to consult a trainer or doctor on this issue.
Water with lemon
Athletes who are sure that drinking during training is mandatory, both in terms of body safety and training effectiveness, often use another method. Water with lemon – это отличный метод восстановить силы и утолить жажду во время физических нагрузок. If desired, honey can be added to the water. Lemon contains a large amount of beneficial minerals that help restore salt balance. In addition, such a drink has a number of other useful properties:
Water with lemon способствует повышению иммунитета. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights the formation of free radicals in cells, thereby increasing resistance to infections. The tone of the body is increased due to the large amount of other vitamins and minerals. Lemon struggles with excess weight. Some nutritionists classify lemon as a negative calorie food. In order to digest it, the body needs to spend more energy than is contained in the lemon itself. In addition, citrus fruits help burn fat. Lemon is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The substances contained in it contribute to the dissolution of lipid deposits in the blood vessels.
Recovery drinks
Sports drinks are becoming increasingly popular among athletes and just fitness enthusiasts. Their popularity is due to the fact that useful substances that are dissolved in water are absorbed by the body much better than any dish or mixture. Such drinks are especially useful for those who are just starting to play sports, because they help to quickly restore the balance of minerals in the body. But they will also be useful to professionals in sports, although for those involved in longer, the amount of nutrients in drinks may not be enough to restore all body reserves.
Today you can buy a wide variety of sports drinks. They are sold in specialized outlets, and you can also buy them directly at the fitness club. They are divided into three broad categories: fat burning, energy, and isotonic. Energy drinks are a great option for those who feel exhausted and exhausted at the end of the day or after a workout. The composition of such drinks usually includes guarana, caffeine, ginseng, taurine. Also, the energy drink should be vitamin-containing. In Europe and America, these drinks are classified as medicines, and therefore they can only be purchased at pharmacies. Everything is much simpler with us – anyone can buy this product without restrictions. However, this does not mean that elementary safety measures should not be observed: energy drinks should not be consumed in large quantities, because this can result in insomnia, nervous excitement, depression, etc.
fat burning drinks
The next category is fat burning drinks. Their main component responsible for efficiency is l-carnitine. This substance has an interesting feature: it affects the permeability of cell membranes for fatty acids, due to which fat is excreted from the body faster. With the start of taking fat burners, you can lose a large amount of adipose tissue in a short time. In some cases, it is up to 10 kg per month. However, when using them, you should consult a doctor. The most popular fat burning drinks are L-carnitine, Lady Fitness Carni Fit, Power l carnitine.
Isotonic sports drinks
Isotonic drinks help restore the balance of minerals and fluids in the body. They can also be consumed in order to replenish the supply of carbohydrates. Sports isotonics usually do not have side effects, the only exceptions are those cases when the athlete’s body is susceptible to reactions to one or another component of the drink. Popular isotonics are Lider Izomineral, XXI Power Isotonic. These drinks help maintain fluid, energy, and mineral balance during workouts.
Drawing conclusions
Everyone decides for himself what to drink before workout. The best way to find the right option for you is to consult with your doctor. But, if this is not possible, you need to remember the basic rules – observe the measure in everything and listen to your body. Those who torment themselves with thirst during physical exertion act no less unreasonably than athletes who consume huge amounts of energy or various supplements before training.

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