Message: #62077
Татьяна Юсупова » 23 Jan 2017, 15:39

Post-Workout Bodybuilder Nutrition

During training, muscles use metabolic fuel at an accelerated rate. In order for physical work to be continuous, the body mobilizes energy reserves and makes them (fatty acids, glucose and amino acids) available for oxidation. This is called a catabolic process, which cannot occur simultaneously with anabolic processes such as glycogen formation and protein synthesis.

In order for the body to recover from exercise, the catabolic environment must immediately be changed to an anabolic one. Post-workout nutrition directly affects the hormonal environment in the body. By quickly providing your body with all the nutrients it needs after a workout, you can help your body begin repairing damaged tissue and replenishing energy stores immediately. Consume a post-workout meal as soon as you get home, containing 70-110 grams of carbohydrates, 25-50 grams of protein and some healthy fats.

Nutrition after training
Carbohydrates имеют важное значение для производительности и еще более важное для восстановления гликогена. Studies have shown an increased ability of muscle tissue to absorb glucose immediately after exercise. The effects of exercise on glucose uptake last for only a few hours after exercise. If there are not enough carbohydrates in the post-workout food, then the replenishment of glycogen stores will be delayed.

Also, there is some controversy about the types of carbohydrates that are best for post-workout glycogen replenishment. Some argue that simple sugars like dextrose are better for post-workout consumption. Others say glucose polymers are the best. Still others generally argue that there is no need to buy luxury sports drinks, and a regular high-carb meal like pasta or rice will suffice.

Studies have not found any difference between the different types of carbohydrates eaten post-workout and the rate of glycogen replenishment, as long as sufficient amounts are consumed. Even when the post-workout meal contains other macronutrients, such as proteins and fats, they do not interfere with glycogen replenishment.

These studies suggests that the limitation in the rate of glycogen replenishment after exercise is not at all due to digestion or the glycemic index of the carbohydrate source eaten. What matters is the total amount of carbohydrates, not the type of carbohydrates received after training.

The limiting factor in the absorption of glucose during exercise is an individual feature of a person, for example, the rate of glucose phosphorylation (one of the stages of glucose breakdown). In addition, these processes do not always depend on the composition of the post-workout meal, but rather on the limits to which glycogen stores were depleted during training and the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the pre-workout diet.

After training, ongoing muscle breakdown must be quickly prevented (lower cortisol levels). How to do it? The answer is proteins and the amino acids they contain, which are also essential for post-workout anabolism, tissue repair, and protein synthesis. Insulin, which rises with an increase in blood glucose (carbohydrates), is also able to prevent catabolism. But insulin alone is not enough to start the process of protein synthesis. Therefore, protein after training is vital.

Little is known about the effects of fat found in post-workout meals. Probably more important to a bodybuilder is the amount of daily fat intake than focusing on post-workout fat volume. There are studies that claim that essential fatty acids in sufficient quantities can change the physiology. Even beneficial fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, when consumed regularly in large quantities, can change the composition of cell membranes, which changes the production of prostaglandins (participated in the regulation of metabolism) in the muscles and, thereby, can change everything, from glucose transport to protein synthesis.

fats замедляют пищеварение, тем самым замедляют скорость, с которой питательные вещества становятся доступными для тканей. Also, glycogen replenishment is delayed but not reduced. Given these facts, it can be concluded that fat in the diet after training, as well as before it, should be reduced in order to allow other nutrients to be quickly absorbed and start important processes.

An example of a post-workout meal

Brown rice – 300 gr. finished product (65 gr. ug.)
Turkey – 200 gr. (40 gr. b.)
Dried apricots – 100 gr. (60 gr. ug.)
Water – 300-500 ml

Buckwheat – 200-300 gr. finished product (40-60 gr. ug.)
Chicken breast – 200 gr. (45 gr. b.)
Ripe banana – 1 piece (30 gr. ug.)
Water – 300-500 ml

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