Message: #300790
Аннета Эссекс » 18 Feb 2018, 18:13

Ginger tea for weight loss and appetite suppression

for 1 serving:
1 tsp grated ginger root
slice of lemon
1-2 tsp honey
a glass of boiling water

Чайную ложку измельченного корня имбиря залить стаканом кипятка, когда чай остынет до примерно 40 градусов – добавить чайную ложку honey и дольку лимона. This drink includes three tastes – spicy, sour and sweet, and is indicated for those who have everything in the body that flows slowly and only fat accumulates quickly.

Ginger rhizomes contain essential oil, the main components of which are gingerol and shogaol – substances that give ginger its spicy, burning taste. Both substances increase blood circulation and warm from the inside. As a result, digestion and metabolism are stimulated.

Recommended amount of ginger tea for weight loss

Large thermos (about 2 liters). Tea is best brewed in the morning. Pour into a thermos and enjoy a cup of tea throughout the day.
If consumed before meals, it dulls the feeling of hunger.

It is good to add some leaves of fresh or dried mint to tea.

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