Message: #48049
Юля Смоленск » 23 Dec 2016, 17:35

Appetizer of eggplant “Teschin’s tongue”

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” is popularly called canned vegetables, which are distinguished by a particularly sharp taste. Mother-in-law’s tongue from eggplant for the winter is prepared according to several recipes. All of them contain tomatoes, hot peppers and garlic, but in different quantities. Therefore, the appetizer can turn out to be of varying degrees of spiciness, with a pronounced taste of garlic or, on the contrary, muffled. Whatever recipe the hostess prefers, the general principles for preparing this hot snack for the winter remain identical.
Cooking features
When preparing a spicy appetizer of eggplant, garlic and hot peppers, there are several important points to consider:
Before preparing snacks, eggplants must be cut without peeling, and soaked for at least half an hour, then rinsed with running water and dried. This is necessary to remove bitterness from them. A solution for soaking eggplants is usually prepared in such a concentration: a tablespoon of salt per liter of water.

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Small eggplants (up to 15 centimeters long) are best cut lengthwise into thin plates 3 to 5 millimeters thick. Eggplant slices cut in this way resemble tongues. Larger specimens can be cut into round or oval washers (if cut at an angle, the plates will be elliptical).
It is better to choose fleshy tomatoes, from which a lot of tomato puree is obtained.
Hot pepper can be added with or without seeds. The seeds are the most pungent part of the pepper. If you remove them, the finished dish from it will turn out a little less spicy.
Work with peppers and garlic should be wearing gloves, as they can cause burns, especially if they need to be peeled a lot. After the hands must be washed well, as pepper vapors may remain on them – if you touch your eyes with unwashed hands, they will sting and tear strongly.
In order for Teschin’s tongue to be stored all winter, it is necessary to lay out the finished snack only in sterilized jars, seal them hermetically with boiled lids, and follow the recipe. The classic recipe for “Teschin’s tongue” from eggplant
eggplant – 4 kg;
tomatoes – 1 kg;
bell pepper – 1 kg;
garlic – 5 heads;
capsicum hot pepper – 150 g;
table vinegar (9%) – 150 ml;
vegetable oil – 0.25 l;
granulated sugar – 0.25 kg;
salt – 40 g.
Way cooking:
Wash the eggplants, cut off their stems. Cut into plates of the same shape. Soak in saline for an hour. Rinse with running water, let it drain.
Wash hot and sweet peppers, remove seeds, cut into small pieces and turn through a meat grinder.
Wash the tomatoes. Remove the stalks, and on the opposite side, make two shallow cuts crosswise with a sharp knife.
Boil water, dip the tomatoes in it and blanch them for 5 minutes.
Place the tomatoes in cold water to cool quickly. Remove and skin them. Cut each into 4-6 pieces, cutting off the seal around the stalk. Pass the tomato slices through a meat grinder and mix the tomato puree with the pepper mass.
Peel the garlic. Grind it with a meat grinder. Put in vegetable puree, mix well.
Pour vinegar and oil into the vegetable mass, add salt and sugar, put the pan with vegetables on the fire.
Cook over low heat until the mass boils.
Put the eggplant “tongues” in the sauce and cook them in the sauce for half an hour. All this time you need to make sure that the snack does not burn, if necessary, mix it.
While the snack is being prepared, you can sterilize the jars and lids for them. You need to count on 6-7 liters of the finished product.
Arrange the appetizer in jars, roll them up and let them cool at room temperature.
The spicy appetizer of eggplant “Teschin’s tongue”, cooked according to the classic recipe, is well stored all winter at temperatures up to 24 degrees, but still, the lower the temperature, the better. The burning taste is due primarily to a large amount of garlic, and then – hot pepper.

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