Message: #61167
Аннета Эссекс » 22 Jan 2017, 00:33

Fruitous Uzbek lagman

The Uzbek national dish is a cross between a second course and a thick, hearty soup. Popular in many Asian countries. For “classic” cooking, you will need “long” homemade noodles. If there is no time and opportunity – you can use spaghetti.
beef/mutton 500 g
noodles/spaghetti 500 g
potatoes 2 pcs.
carrots 2 pcs.
onion 2 heads
garlic 3 cloves
sweet bell pepper
ground black pepper
ground red pepper
vegetable oil
1 Meat (beef or lamb) cut into small pieces. Dice the carrots and potatoes in equal proportions, chop the onion, chop a few cloves of garlic. Cut sweet pepper, seeds can not be removed. In a cauldron or thick-walled pan, fry the meat in vegetable oil.
2 Add chopped onion to the meat, fry together. Then put the rest of the ingredients, continue to fry, stirring constantly. Boil the noodles separately in salted water, put in a colander, you do not need to break it.
3 Arrange noodles in deep plates, pour meat sauce with vegetables. If the dish is too thick, you can add meat broth. Готовый сытный узбекский лагман посыпать рубленой greensю петрушки, кинзы.
Перечень овощей для мясной подливы можно разнообразить баклажанами, фаsaltю и даже редькой. Serve in large oriental bowls.

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