Message: #278743
Аннета Эссекс » 14 Dec 2017, 16:21

Czech Roast Beef with Potato Dumplings

Cooking time: 90 min.
Servings: 4


For roast beef:
4 pieces of roast beef
200 g meat broth
200 g sour cream
For dumplings:
500 g potatoes
1 egg
2 pinches of salt
80 g flour
80 g semolina


Ростбиф промойте и просушите, отбейте, приправьте saltю, перцем, carawayом, пропущенным через прес garlicом и запанируйте в муке.

Fry in a pan in ghee, about 5 minutes on each side, add the meat broth and simmer over low heat until soft under the lid for about an hour.

In the meantime, let’s take care of the dumplings.

Отварите в мундире картофель, еще горячим очистите и разомните, добавьте яйцо и хорошо перемешайте, далее добавьте манку, муку, salt и замесите густое тесто.

Shape the dough into 5 oblong dumplings and immediately plunge into 4 liters of boiling salted water.

Boil the dumplings for 15 minutes over medium heat, put the finished dumplings on a plate.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the gravy, add sour cream to it and boil a little.

Put the meat and chopped dumplings on a plate, pour sauce over everything and serve.

Bon appetit!

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