Message: #122622
Аннета Эссекс » 08 Jun 2017, 11:23

Foods that burn fat

Fat burning foods, belly fat burning foods, thigh fat burning foods. There are many fat burning foods out there. This is determined by their chemical composition, reactions and processes that occur under the influence of these products. Knowing the reaction of the body to various chemical elements and the composition of products, you can easily determine whether a particular product will work as a fat burner or not. Eating such foods regularly can make the body lose weight. Fat deposits will slowly melt. At the same time, at the first stage, fat will enter the blood at the cellular level, then it will be transferred to the muscles with the blood flow, and only here fat burning will occur. This process is carried out under the influence of certain hormones, they are produced by the brain, pituitary gland, thyroid gland. The most intense weight loss occurs at night. It is at night that the work of the pituitary gland is activated and the production of growth hormone begins. Fat is sucked out of the cells, broken down and the released energy is directed to the creation of new and restoration of old cells. Therefore, in the morning a person is a little lighter than in the evening.

In order to lose weight, we need minerals and vitamins that we can get from food. Magnesium, iodine, vitamin C, amino acids: choline, methionine, carnitine, taurine. With a lack of these substances, the production of hormones will be produced in small quantities, and weight loss will not occur. You can provide your body with the necessary vitamins and amino acids by including four or five foods from our list in your daily diet.

An example of a dish that combines three fat-burning elements would be: a piece of boiled chicken breast (a source of carnitine), a side dish of cauliflower (a lot of choline) and a grapefruit (vitamin C). Such a dish will not allow fat to be absorbed into the blood and deposited on the waist or hips.

In order for methionine to work on fat burning, it needs B vitamins. The source of vitamin B is greens, fish, grain bread, milk, and yeast. Protein is needed for iodine. These are meat, cottage cheese, fish, legumes. Vitamin C will burn fat when combined with calcium. A lot of calcium in cabbage, especially broccoli, fish, cottage cheese, yogurt. We can get choline from soft-boiled eggs.

The most intense fat burning occurs in the first hours of sleep due to an accelerated metabolism. Therefore, aspiring to lose weight should sleep long enough. Lack of sleep will slow down the effect of the diet. Another rule is to have breakfast. These products are perfectly combined with each other and are suitable for breakfast. A piece of ham with rye bread and a glass of orange juice (carnitine + magnesium + vitamin C). Soft-boiled eggs and coffee with milk (methionine + tannin).

For weight loss is simply necessary – parmesan cheese. It is a delicious aromatic low-fat cheese, with a high content of vitamin B12, made from low-fat milk. Vitamin B12, together with hormones, pulls fat out of cells.

A very important product for weight loss is olive oil. This vegetable fat, although it has a significant calorie content, includes many unsaturated fatty acids. Under their influence, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated. It is useful for every person, thin or full, to eat salads every day, seasoned with one or two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Products that burn fat of natural origin are fruits, spices, drinks.

Chili peppers and other hot peppers contain the enzyme capsaicin. This substance gives pepper pungency and enhances thermogenesis in the human body. Hot pepper makes our body generate heat and burn fat. Japanese nutritionists have studied the body’s energy expenditure for breakfast supplemented with capsaicin and just breakfast. And they found that spicy food increases energy consumption for processing by 23%. In addition, capsaicin inhibits the growth of fat cells.

Similar substances are found in other spices: in ginger – shogaol and gingerol, in black pepper – piperine. These substances also contribute to thermogenesis. Mixtures of these seasonings are especially effective, working together, they increase energy consumption for the absorption of fats. Use seasonings more often, and spices when cooking, combine ginger, red and black pepper, coriander, cumin, turmeric. Add them to main dishes, salads, when cooking poultry or grilled meat. In the heat, you can quench your thirst with a ginger drink with a slice of lemon. Use a mixture of tomato juice and pepper for salads.

Not only hot spices are considered fat burning foods, cinnamon is also one of them. It lowers blood sugar levels, improves metabolism, and prevents new fat deposits. Cinnamon can be added to coffee and tea instead of sugar, you get a wonderful and healthy drink.

Another product that burns belly fat and prevents the development of obesity is green tea. It improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and is a prophylactic for the formation of tumors. These and other properties were endowed with catechins contained in green tea. Under the influence of these substances, the production of fat in the liver and under the skin slows down.

Celery is a product that speeds up metabolism, its importance in dietary nutrition is very high. Having a low calorie content, it contains a lot of fiber. Thus, the body spends more energy processing celery than it receives. By filling the stomach with celery, we suppress the appetite and burn fat at the same time. Soup with celery and vegetables is especially useful. A diet has been created based on it, but by including it in your menu, or spending a few fasting days on soup, you can reduce your weight over time.

Products that burn fat on the hips and abdomen are dairy products and meat (beef, lamb). These foods contain conjugated linoleic acids, they help with weight loss, reduce the risk of obesity, they are included in many diets and are the best foods for maintaining weight after a diet.

Dry red wines are also among the products that burn fat on the abdomen and thighs. The composition of wine includes resveratrol, it softens the effect of fatty and sweet foods on the liver, reduces the risk of obesity, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.

Foods that burn fat should contain: fiber, plenty of water and high quality proteins.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, they stimulate the heart, help get rid of excess weight. Include this fish in your diet, although you once a week.

Eggs. A product containing vitamins B, C, and a large amount of nutrients. An egg breakfast will give you the same amount of energy as a bun with jam, but without the extra calories.

Grapefruit is also a fat burning food. Eating half a fruit or a glass of grapefruit juice daily, you can get rid of 1.5-2 kilograms of weight in three months.

Low-calorie beans, soy products containing many proteins, normalize blood sugar levels, speed up metabolic processes.

Regular consumption of apples as a snack regulates blood sugar, normalizes hormone levels, reduces appetite.

Blackberries are a wonderful berry, tasty and healthy. It can easily and quickly satisfy hunger, this is facilitated by a large amount of fiber, water. According to the content of antioxidants, it can be put in first place among fruits. Mix a glass of blackberries with oatmeal for a double benefit and a delicious breakfast. Oatmeal, in turn, is also a fat-burning product. The body spends a lot of energy on its processing, and the feeling of satiety persists for a long time.

Flaxseed is an excellent remedy for obesity, it regulates sugar, treats diabetes. Oatmeal, with one tablespoon of seeds or a small amount of flaxseed oil, will be useful for those who want to lose weight.

Broccoli is perhaps the healthiest of all cabbage types. The fiber and low calorie content make it a very important dietary product. Easily satiated, you will not get many calories. Broccoli is well known for its anti-cancer properties.

Zucchini contains a lot of potassium, regulates the water-salt balance, helps fight obesity and edema. Zucchini is eaten fresh or baked, young fruits are chosen.

The product that burns fat on the thighs is sea kale, due to the content of vitamins, trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. Eat more seaweed to improve health and lose weight.

The body spends a lot of energy on digesting bran and for a long time there is no feeling of hunger. They lower cholesterol, normalize sugar, due to the long work of the intestine, the absorption of nutrients decreases. Bread with bran is very useful, they can be steamed and added to dishes or eaten in their pure form. The daily norm of bran is 30 grams. The use of bran is not recommended for people with stomach diseases.

Foods that burn belly fat are whole grains. These include brown rice, coarse wheat, oatmeal, barley flakes, and non-crushed buckwheat. Whole grains are low in calories and are processed by the body for a long time, while a person remains full for a long time, and blood sugar levels do not change. These products improve bowel function, are a prophylactic against diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes.

Products that burn fat will become allies in your fight against extra pounds, but you should not rely on them alone. You need to analyze your diet and lifestyle. Start eating right and use them as weight loss aids.

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