Message: #278049
Аннета Эссекс » 12 Dec 2017, 22:28


Souffle is a very original dessert. The composition of the soufflé includes not only flour, cream, nuts or chocolate, famous and popular in other confectionery products. Although it is thanks to the freedom of thought of the confectioner that any of these components can easily be added to the soufflé dessert.

Moreover, you don’t need to add sugar to some types of delicacies, and the dessert itself turns out to be not even very sweet. What does it consist of?

The basis of any soufflé is two components: a flavoring filling, which can consist of anything, and whipped whites, usually egg whites. It is the proteins that give the whole composition a light airy texture, while the filling itself provides the taste.

Soufflé was originally a dessert. So, the following technology for making soufflé was popular – egg yolks were mixed with chocolate or lemon, after which the actual whipped egg whites were added to this composition. No less popular is the method of making soufflé from cottage cheese or sour cream, which allows you to get a denser and more nutritious filling.

And soufflés made from meat or mushrooms cannot be considered desserts at all. They use special spicy sauces and are sometimes considered one of the most exquisite second courses.

Of course, the properties and effect of each species on the body is unique and depends on the ingredients of the composition. But they all have common qualities, and they can easily be looked at.

Any soufflé is a protein product. Moreover, egg whites are present in any composition of the soufflé. This is the key ingredient. Egg white is one of the most easily digestible for the human body. It contains all the amino acids we need, including a complete set of essential ones.

If the composition of the soufflé contains egg yolks, then it will also be a rich source of fats, carbohydrates and cholesterol. Fats and carbohydrates are important energy components of food, and cholesterol is a precursor to many sex hormones and a necessary component of cell walls in all tissues of the body.

If the soufflé is prepared as a dessert, its composition contains many sugars, which are also sources of energy, and besides, they improve mood. Meat or mushroom soufflé rewards the eater with extra protein and amino acids. But about all these components that make up the soufflé, we heard a lot of not good things at all.

Harm souffle
For example, the same cholesterol is generally not perceived by the vast majority of readers as a substance with positive properties. It is most often associated with the risk of developing atherosclerosis. And it is true. People rarely experience a lack of cholesterol, while an excess of it often leads to deadly diseases.

Жиров в составе лакомства обычно присутствует мало, а вот сахаров – в случае десертного souffle – порядочно. And even the fact that they provide us with energy is often seen as a disadvantage. After all, the excess energy that enters the body with dessert immediately begins to be stored in the form of body fat, and sugar turns into the cause of losing the figure. В этом вред souffle как любого кондитерского изделия.

Toppings in the composition
В химический состав souffle как десерта могут добавляться самые разные наполнители. Here, the possibilities are limited only by the imagination of the cook himself. And the properties of the fillings themselves can be both positive and negative. For example, most natural dessert ingredients can be considered very healthy overall. Шоколад или фруктовые сиропы, орехи или сливки, джемы или специи – десерт souffle, богатый этими компонентами, приносит в организм больше полезных веществ.

Artificial fillers in the dessert, on the contrary, for the most part do not benefit the body. Therefore, it is always better to replace flavors or various concentrates with fruit juices or liquors.

Но десерт souffle – блюдо домашнее. As a rule, it is cooked infrequently and with thoughts of oneself and relatives. Therefore, in its preparation, industrial food additives that can harm health are rarely used. And the rarity of cooking will not allow various not even the most useful components in the composition of the dessert to seriously affect the health of consumers. So if you have the opportunity to treat yourself to a luxurious French dessert, then you should not deny yourself it.

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