Message: #63793
Татьяна Юсупова » 25 Jan 2017, 16:44

Helping the Body Cleanse Harmful Substances

Sooner or later, any mechanism needs a break, rest and repair. This is especially true of the human body, which in the conditions of modern life suffers greatly from the environment and harmful food.

The best way to help your intestines and the body as a whole is a cleansing diet, which is not aimed at losing weight, but at improving the condition and removing harmful substances.

You need to choose a diet depending on which internal organs you have and what products you prefer.

There are different options for cleansing diets, but the best option would be a cleansing weekend, in which you will not just rest, it will also help the body.
Such a nutrition scheme is necessary for those who have difficulties in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, hair falls out, nails break, problem skin.

It doesn’t matter which of the proposed cleansing diets you choose – they are all very effective and help to thoroughly clean all organs, help fight cellulite, get rid of bowel problems, and give you a feeling of lightness.

Absolutely everyone needs such diet food, especially people over 30 and those who want to lose weight.

In this article, we will look at the various options for cleansing diets:

fruit and vegetable
kefir-apple diet
Fruit and vegetable cleansing diet

This cleaning option is designed for 2-3 days, during which you have to eat only vegetables and fruits, drink herbal teas, fresh juices and clean water. Drink a glass of lemon water every morning on an empty stomach.

Sample fruit peel menu:

День 1.
Breakfast: fruit salad, a cup of herbal tea, a glass of water;
Lunch: a piece of melon, fruit salad, herbal tea or a glass of mineral water;
Lunch: melon slice, fruit salad (use different fruits than in the morning), tea;
Dinner: one banana, chamomile infusion.
Day 2
Breakfast: a glass of vegetable juice, baked tomatoes;
Lunch: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice;
Lunch: grilled or steamed vegetables, vegetable juice;
Day 3
Repeat the menu of the first day.
In the following days, try not to eat fatty, spicy, do not overeat.

Kefir-apple cleansing diet

In the next four days, you will eat kefir and apples, and also do enemas. So for unloading, choose a weekend or vacation, so that nothing bothers you.

Day 1.
Before the beginning diet, do an enema and during the day drink fat-free kefir, a cup every hour.
Day 2
Like the first day, the morning begins with an enema. Then every hour take a glass of apple juice, preferably homemade. In the evening, drink a glass of tea with honey and eat a couple of crackers.
Day 3
On this day, you have to eat fruits and vegetables without restriction. From juices, give preference to carrot and apple.
Day 4
Only vegetables will be on your menu.
You need to go out and such a diet gradually, adding something new to the menu every new day. Some products can help in cleansing the body.

So if you can’t do a full cleanse, include as many of the following vegetables in your diet as you can:

cereal bread;
leaf lettuce.
Advantages and disadvantages of cleansing diets

The undoubted advantage of cleansing diets is that they help the body remove poisons, cleanse the internal organs and set them up for work.

Helps many ladies in the fight against cellulite, due to the removal of toxins. After trying the diet, you will soon get a feeling of lightness, fatigue will pass, dark circles under the eyes will disappear.

As in any other diet, there is a dietary restriction, which means that diets have a number of disadvantages, including:

Not suitable for weight loss, although it can give a good start to this process.
Can cause severe headaches – a sure sign that the body is getting rid of toxins (in the same way a person suffers from a headache during a hangover).
It requires abandoning the usual way of life: it is unlikely that you will have the strength and desire to play sports or dance all night long. During cleansing, it is better to be more at home and rest.
In any case, before trying one of the cleansing diets on yourself, you should seek the advice of a doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to this.

During the diet, try to rest more, not attend various events, and also drink at least two liters of pure water per day. :not listening:

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