Message: #286591
Аннета Эссекс » 07 Jan 2018, 13:32

Colour Cleansing – 10 tips for every day

Health starts with a clean gut - that's no exaggeration! First of all, the state of the intestines is reflected on the skin - after cleansing, many skin problems disappear or decrease (such as acne, various irritations and redness, excessively oily or dry skin), the complexion improves, the skin becomes cleaner, smoother, radiant. Feeling better, cheerfulness, lightness appear. The absorption of nutrients from food improves, as a result of which appetite decreases, body weight begins to decrease. Often, seemingly unrelated bowel problems, such as migraines, shortness of breath, and some heart diseases, go away or decrease.

Any cleansing program begins with bowel cleansing. After such a "general cleaning" the state of health and external visas noticeably improve. But often some time passes (several months or less) and the problems return... There is no need to do hydrocolonotherapy every week or use other powerful methods of bowel cleansing. These methods are intended for "spring cleaning" every 1-2 years, and not for regular use.

What to do to keep a clean intestine and excellent health for a long time? Nothing too complicated, because nature has taken care of everything. It is only necessary to help the body a little - to reduce the factors that pollute the intestines, and to increase the factors that contribute to its daily natural cleansing.

10 tips for every day:

1. A stool in the toilet for bowel cleansing.
Incorrect position during bowel movements complicates the daily bowel cleansing, leads to constipation and incomplete cleansing.

All that needs to be done is to place a small stool in front of the toilet, which will serve as a footstool. Healthy Lifestyle Workshop

In the first position (without a stool), the rectum is constricted by the puborectalis muscle, which greatly complicates bowel emptying. Often, after going to the toilet, part of the stool remains inside.

The second position imitates the natural squatting position - as nature intended. Sit on the toilet with your feet on a stool and your body tilted slightly forward. In this position, nothing prevents bowel cleansing, all waste is removed easily, quickly and fully.

Most people are used to the first position. Meanwhile, in many cases, changing this habit alone can help those who have been suffering from constipation for years. It may take you some time to get used to the new position. But the result is worth it.

2. Water with lemon juice in the morning to cleanse the intestines.
The first thing to do when you wake up is to drink 2-3 glasses of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. If lemon juice gives you stomach discomfort, start with a smaller amount - use a quarter of a lemon or less. The amount of water can also be increased gradually, start with one glass.

The temperature of the water is also important - it should not be cold or scalding hot. Warm water with lemon juice, drunk in the morning 20-30 minutes before a meal, not only effectively helps cleanse the intestines, but also saturates the body with moisture, reduces the load on the kidneys, gives a boost of energy, improves immunity and alkalizes the body.

3. 2 liters of water per day to cleanse the intestines.
Dehydration is one of the main causes of constipation. Water is essential for normal waste disposal!

Many people drink much less water than necessary. So how much water should you drink? On average, about 2 liters. Moreover, it is important to drink water, and not tea, coffee, milk and other drinks. Moreover, if you drink caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), you need to drink as much additional water as you drank such a drink, since caffeine is a diuretic.

Solid food is NOT a source of water. On the contrary, additional water is required for its digestion. The largest amount of water is used in the digestion of fatty, heavy foods (cakes, cheeses, meat). Only fresh vegetables and fruits contain more water than is spent on their absorption. Therefore, adherents of a raw food diet (especially fruitarians and those who eat liquid foods) need to drink slightly less water than everyone else.

It is advisable to drink water at least 15-20 minutes before meals. Drinking water and other liquids during and immediately after eating interferes with digestion.

4. Ginger and turmeric for colon cleansing.
Ginger and turmeric tea solves two problems associated with bowel cleansing at once:

ginger speeds up digestion and defecation;
turmeric reduces the formation of gases that cause constipation.
To make tea you will need:

1 liter of water
2 teaspoons grated or finely chopped fresh ginger
a quarter teaspoon of turmeric.
The most useful way to prepare ginger tea is not to boil it over a fire, but pour boiling water over ginger and turmeric and leave for 10 minutes (it is convenient to use a teapot with a mesh inside).

If ginger and turmeric are not to your liking, you can choose another herbal tea that helps cleanse the intestines.

5. Fresh vegetables and fruits for bowel cleansing.
The greater the proportion of fresh plant foods in your daily diet, the less likely it is to become constipated, and the cleaner the intestines. Fresh vegetables and fruits are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines for several reasons:

Contains fiber. Fiber is not directly absorbed by our body, but is nutrition for beneficial intestinal microflora and inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria that are responsible for the processes of putrefaction and interfere with waste disposal. Fiber helps to eliminate waste by acting like a "panicle" in the intestines.
Contain water. Drinking water during or immediately after eating is unfavorable for digestion, and water is necessary for food processing. Vegetables and fruits contain water in a form that does not interfere, but helps the absorption of food and the easy removal of waste.
Digest quickly. The human body easily and quickly digests fresh plant foods and quickly gets rid of waste. But we get this advantage only when we do not mix fresh vegetables and fruits with other foods that take longer to digest and slow down the whole process.

6. Flax seeds for bowel cleansing.
Flax seeds can be added to almost all dishes. They contain:

Fiber, the benefits of which for digestion and bowel cleansing are described in detail above.
Omega-3 fatty acid, which has a laxative effect on the rectum. Also, you can fill salads with linseed oil, which contains Omega-3 in high concentration.
7. Liquid food for colon cleansing.
To get rid of constipation, use pureed soups and juices. That's why:

Freshly squeezed juices and smoothies are digested faster and easier than whole fruits and vegetables. And puree soups are lighter than those products from which they are prepared, in solid form.
Juices and soups contain a large percentage of water, the benefits of which we have already discussed for digestion.
Vegetable soups and smoothies also contain fiber, which, as we know, helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and cleanse it.
8. Beet and plum juices for bowel cleansing.
Beetroot, plum and some other juices have a strong laxative effect. They can be used to treat constipation, but should not be abused, so as not to be addictive.
The greatest cleansing effect is given by juices drunk on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals. And, of course, the juice must be freshly squeezed. Do not rely on the quality of store-bought "juice", mostly consisting of water, sugar, citric acid and various artificial additives.

If constipation occurs regularly, you should review your diet and lifestyle in general, and not drink plum or beetroot juice every morning, as this will remove the symptoms (constipation), but not the cause.

9. Separate nutrition for bowel cleansing.
A common cause of poor digestion, overeating, bloating and constipation is the combination of "incompatible" foods in one meal. It is not necessary to switch to a "radical" separate diet. Following just a few simple rules of nutrition will greatly facilitate the life of your digestive system and improve your health:

Eat carbohydrates separately from proteins and fats, combining both with fresh vegetables.
The break between these two categories of products should be at least 2 hours (after meat - longer).
So many familiar dishes get blacklisted at once ... but this rule is as critical for health as it is difficult to implement. The digestion of carbohydrates requires an alkaline environment, while the digestion of proteins and fats requires an acidic environment. Сочетание углеводов с белками и жирами задерживает пищу в желудке на длительное время, истощает ресурсы организма, в результате же пища остается не переваренной до конца, служит питание болезнетворных бактерий, гниет в кишечнике, вызывает вздутие живота и constipation.
Eat fruit half an hour before lunch or another meal. The next level is to eat only one type of fruit at a time. For the digestion of each type of fruit, a different type of enzyme is used. It is difficult for the body to produce several types of enzymes at once. If you make the task easier for him, then the maximum will be absorbed from the fruit. the amount of useful substances and the minimum amount of waste is generated.
Don't put tomatoes in your salad. A tomato is a berry. It should be used separately. It's very weird, but it really works. Lettuce without tomatoes is much easier to digest and does not cause gas formation that makes bowel movements difficult.
Use fewer salad ingredients. This applies not only to vegetables, but also seasonings: it is best to use a minimum of spices and cold-pressed vegetable oil as a dressing. The simpler the salad, the better it will digest. This advice is especially relevant for people who complain that vegetables cause them gases. Reducing the amount of ingredients to a minimum will allow such people to consume more vegetables without feeling discomfort.
10. Physical exercises to cleanse

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