Message: #53337
Buckshee » 09 Jan 2017, 18:49

Workout Supplement Products for Muscle Gain

List of foods that minimize body fat and promote mass gain.

Chicken breasts (preferably skinless)
Fish (, cod, sea bass, halibut, tuna)
Egg white or eggs
beef tenderloin
Complex carbohydrates:
Oat bran cereal
brown rice

Fibrous Carbohydrates:

Brussels sprouts
Other foods and fruits:
Green or red pepper
Fruit :

Healthy fats:
almond oil
peanut butter
safflower oil
Olive oil
Nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts)
soya beans
mackerel, salmon, bluefin tuna, menhaden, anchovy, herring, lake trout, sardines, tuna
Vegetable oils (sunflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed), and poultry fat.
Dairy and eggs:
Skimmed milk
Skim cheese

2. Additives
Here is a list of nutritional supplements that will help in gaining muscle mass in any regimen.

Сывороточный protein (концентрат или изолят):
Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Without it, it’s just not like that. The protein is convenient for you to use and will help you get the amount of protein you need. Recall that for the growth of muscle mass, you need at least 2g of protein per 1 kg of your weight.

Protein can be used before training, after training, as a supplement between main meals. Сывороточный protein имеет быструю усвояемость и поэтому эффективен в приеме после тренинга или до него.

Казеиновый protein:

Казеиновый protein лучше всего подходит для принятия перед сном, поскольку распад казеина идет около 6-8 часов. By taking casein before bed, you will supply your muscles with protein for the whole night.


Creatine will not only help you recover from a workout, but it will also help you gain muscle mass quickly. Creatine is one of the safest and most effective supplements in both bodybuilding and other strength sports.

Amino acids:

Amino acids are needed for protein digestion. And, as you know, without protein there will be no result. Да в proteinе есть Аминокислоты, но они там находятся в очень маленьких doses and therefore it is desirable to gain amino acids.

3. Basic exercises

Basic exercises are a stimulator of muscle growth.
Scientists have proven that performing basic exercises in the body produces growth hormone, which stimulates mass growth.
In short, basic exercises are exercises for a muscle group or several muscles (those exercises that include several muscles at once). In basic training, local exercises for 1 muscle are removed, if possible.
The basic exercises are: Squat, deadlift, bench press, horizontal bar and parallel bars

4. Rest

In the mass-gaining mode, you need to rest as best as possible, do not be zealous in the gym, everything should be in moderation, let your muscles have a good rest.
You should sleep well for at least 8 hours, follow a clear sleep schedule, go to bed and get up at the same time.

5. Eat Well After Your Workout

A common mistake is that before training beginners eat well and after the control drops and nutrition worsens. This is because beginners think that nutrition is important before training and after that you can relax. So eating well after a workout is just as important as before. Imagine your body that you filled with fuel before training, this fuel is consumed for muscle growth and after training it ends and catabolism begins (your newly formed muscle fibers begin to devour your old labored and then accumulated muscles) and your theoretically possible muscle mass growth deteriorates sharply.

6. Keep cardio to a minimum.

Of course, you don’t need to completely remove cardio simulators, just reduce their duration and intensity so as not to burn a lot of calories.

7. Increase your calories

In order to gain weight (muscle), you must increase your calories. This does not mean that you have to eat hot dogs and other harmful things. Of course, you could do it, but I don’t recommend it if you don’t want to gain a lot of fat.
The most convenient way is to start a diary and calculate how many calories you eat per day and increase this number by 300-500 calories per day and at the end of the week see how much weight you have gained.
Remember that 3500 calories is half a kilogram of weight. So theoretically, if you increased your calorie intake by 500 every day for 1 week, then at the end of the cycle you should get about half a kilogram of weight gain. But those 500 calories should get from products that are healthy for you, and not just eat a Snickers bar.

8. Drink plenty of water

You need to drink plenty of water, water is a participant in all biological processes in the body. Also, if you sweat at the gym, you need to replenish your water supply more often than the average person. Water supports your metabolism because water contains oxygen. And one more fact from an overdose of water, no one has died yet.

9. Workouts

To gain muscle mass, you need to work hard in the gym, in order to make your muscles grow, you will need to follow a few principles:

1. Work with large scales.
2.Great training intensity.
3. The duration of the workout should not exceed 1 hour.
4. The basis of the training is basic exercises.

Yes, this is certainly not an axiom, but in bodybuilding there is generally no single correct answer, what suits someone does not necessarily suit you. You should be able to feel your body, if you are stuck and your muscle mass is not growing, then review your program and nutrition, try to change something or quit everything for 2-3 weeks, let the body rest from training. I’ll tell you honestly that even the psyche can play a key role here, it can simply be morally tired from everyday stress and block the growth of muscle mass.

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