Message: #139166
Аннета Эссекс » 23 Jul 2017, 15:30

Lu Long Zhu

Home » Brewing » Lü Long Zhu
Lu Long Zhu
Posted on 01/22/2015 by Uglion in category Brewing, Tea properties, Tea varieties, Encyclopedia of tea // Comments: 0

Lu Long Zhu

A taste that gently envelops with spring fragrance, taking you to the flowery distance. This is a unique green tea that is very close to white tea due to its very gentle processing. This combination of green and white tea gives an attractive aroma and a light charming floral taste.

History of tea and growth

Сорта чайного куста для чая Lu Long Zhu стали выращивать более семисот лет назад в китайской чайной провинции Фуцзянь. There plantations are scattered on hills reaching a height of five hundred to seven hundred meters, ideal for growing tea. Next to the plantations is also the production of tea, where further processing of tea takes place. Its interesting form of dry finished tea leaves interested the imperial family, and later gained fame and love in the upper strata of the population. The shape resembles pearls, greenish in color with dark patches, thanks to the color of the pearls, it was called the “green pearl of the dragon.” The Chinese respect their symbol – the dragon, therefore, only extremely valuable and delicious tea can be called by its name. This form of the leaf preserves and transfers to the drink all the freshness and beneficial properties. And this tea is also unique in that it is harvested on a rainy day, but there is also a legend associated with the Chinese dragon. Oddly enough, but the Chinese dragon is the lord of the rains, he then gave the stalk to one industrious tea farmer with an order that tea should be collected only when the dragon sheds the bushes with rain, and along with the rains and his miraculous magical power. Since then, tea for this type of tea is harvested during the spring rainy season, somewhere in March – April. They also collect during the autumn rainy season, in September – October. Also, tea plantations of varietal bushes grow in the Yunnan province, only tea leaf pearls are produced there a little larger in size, but this does not affect the taste.

Tea collection and production

Tea is harvested on a rainy April day, when, according to legend, it has absorbed the magic of a green dragon. Only the most tender upper young shoots are collected, with an underdeveloped bud and two thin leaves. Tea production consists of several quick stages, first the wet leaves are roasted, this process does not last long so that the excess moisture evaporates, and then it is manually twisted into small dense balls, dried and packaged. Thanks to such a weak fermentation, tea retains its unique taste, color and vitamins. Чай Lu Long Zhu считается элитным и дорогим чаем, для настоящих ценителей.

Drink brewing process

Lu Long Zhu необыкновенно красиво смотрится в стеклянных заварочных чайниках, за ним можно пронаблюдать и восхитится красотой «танца чайного листа». The Chinese brew in clay, porcelain teapots, enjoying the process of creating a divine drink and slowly tasting it. Этот сорт действительно прекрасен, он несёт в себе силу здоровья и энергию пробуждения, именно поэтому Lu Long Zhu считается утренним или дневным чаем, но не вечерним. It is insisted only in hot clean filtered water (60 – 75ºС), but no more, because otherwise most of the vitamins are lost. Further, the infusion matures for about 3-4 minutes, forming a rich golden color, slightly oily. On the palate, you will feel the tenderness of white flowers and the astringency of wood, with light smoky notes. When refilling, the aroma becomes thicker and more pleasant, but the color changes to a more transparent one. You can brew about 5 – 6 times. This tea is not spoiled by excessive additives in the form of sand, milk or lemon. It is drunk in its pure form, not consumed with snacks or cakes. However, if you want to experiment, then light fruit desserts and tender cottage cheese cookies can go with this tea.

Beneficial features

Lu Long Zhu славится своей чудесной целебной силой на здоровье человека, он непревзойденный диетический продукт для эффективного снижения веса. Antioxidants act as “fat burners”, moreover, they perfectly clean blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, strengthening them and improving blood circulation. Metabolism improves, and harmful substances and toxins are removed. This variety perfectly stimulates the immune system, excites and tones it, improves the brain activity of a person, enhances the internal capabilities of a person in creativity. High-quality tea actively tones and relieves fatigue, and its healing effect favorably affects the condition of the skin, cleansing and nourishing it. Apply it and for cosmetic purposes, adding to masks, creams, soaps. After treatment with tea, the skin is radiant and looks velvety and fresh.


Чай Lu Long Zhu не терпит постоянного контакта с воздухом, ведь выветривается быстро не только аромат и вкус, но и эфирные масла. Therefore, keep the package tightly closed or pour the tea into a glass jar. But it is important to look after its condition, monitor it for evaporation, the appearance of mustiness and mold.

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