Message: #42339
Лена Калининград » 03 Dec 2016, 23:59

Famous black tea..

Black tea is a type of tea that undergoes complete fermentation (oxidation) for two weeks to a month (according to traditional technology). It happens long leaf, granulated, packaged and tiled. The main thing: only black tea, as the least valuable and useful, can be poured with boiling water. In other types, you will kill all the best with boiling water. According to the traditional Chinese classification, European black tea belongs to red teas according to the degree of fermentation. Black tea is considered the most common in the world. It has the richest range of shades and aroma. Usually, this tea is black in color with some kind of tint, which depends on the national characteristics of tea growing. Black tea is a leaf that has gone through all stages of processing (withering, rolling, fermentation, drying, sorting). Green goes through only twisting and drying. It is also called unfermented. Between them – yellow and red teas. Black tea has the ability to normalize metabolism. It dilates the vessels of the heart and brain, enhances ventilation of the lungs, accelerates blood circulation. The effect of black tea on the separation of gastric juice and bile has been established. Black tea benefits and harms?? The benefits of black tea – it strengthens the immune system .. but according to statistics, black tea leaches calcium and other beneficial substances from our body if you drink it in large volumes and often.
Does black tea affect blood pressure? According to statistics, black tea stabilizes and increases blood pressure, but in no case lowers it. “Sadly, black tea can provoke varicose veins, poor digestion, palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue and constipation. Brewing black tea fluoridated water can be hazardous to health. Black tea is harmful an hour after it was brewed. If observed, then a dark coating from the tea remains on the mug, so this coating is a kind of slag. “

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