Message: #67210
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:03

The power of Shaolin. Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong is the ancient secret of immortality. Yi Shen

of your feet turn outward. Плечи должны оставаться немного сзади, нижняя часть живота выдается forward.
На вдохе мысленно собрать энергию в нижней части тела (3–four см ниже пупка).

Second option. In the process of warming up and the main part of the workout, it is recommended to use restorative breathing to increase the efficiency of the body.
While inhaling, slowly raise your arms in the plane of the body with palms up to a position above your head. Next, turn your palms down and gently lower them in front of your chest, straightening your arms and, as it were, resting your palms on an imaginary table at stomach level.
Inhalation and exhalation are carried out through the nose. The lips are slightly closed, the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate.
It is necessary to ensure that breathing is soft and natural, without the slightest use of force. Simultaneously with the raising of the hands, there is a slight turn of the body to the right, respectively, exhalation and lowering of the hands are accompanied by a turn of the body to the left.

Третий option. After taking a sharp and noisy breath through the nose with a simultaneous jerk with clenched fists to the “Hugging Fist” position at the level of the upper thighs at the sides of the body, abruptly throw your hands in front of you with your palms up and hold your breath.
Lowering qi down, at the same time clench and unclench your fists 2-3 times with great tension, then pause for a few seconds and slowly lower your hands with your palms down while exhaling, as if compressing the air and driving it into the lower part of the lungs.
When exhaling, make sure that the air does not escape through the nose and mouth, and forcefully direct it down into the lower part of the lungs.

Rejuvenating Qigong

In the Taoist school, the main thing is the harmonious unity of spirit and body. The human body is considered as a complex self-regulating system in dynamic equilibrium with the environment.
This balance is being maintained in East and West in diametrically opposed ways. In the West, they are prone to external influences, that is, to the use of drug stimulants and various physical trainings. In the East, the main postulate is that the key to controlling the body lies in our minds.
The art of Qigong is the result of long-term training of muscles, ligaments, bones, and breathing.
The recommended complex is best done in the morning. Taoists say that during morning exercises, the waste qi is removed from the body and it is renewed. Classes held at noon promote the unhindered movement of qi, which as a result will accumulate in the body. By practicing late at night, you will train your qi, making it so “sharp” and “thin” that you can even pierce a wooden board with your finger.
A person practicing Qigong can accumulate qi and direct this energy to a problem area in order to increase qi circulation there and heal any organ.
В течение one500 лет монахи монастыря Шаолинь тренировались, используя упражнения легендарного Та Мо. These exercises were usually kept secret and only became known to the Chinese in the 20th century. Shaolin monks practiced them not only to increase qi circulation and improve their health, but also to improve the spirit and develop strength, acting through qi on their own muscles. Shaolin monks also practiced post-exercise meditation to clear the energy channels and relax.
Starting position when performing the proposed set of exercises: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent, arms down. Look straight ahead. The whole body is relaxed, a slight smile on the face. Дышите естественно (рис. 3one).

Rice. 3one

Exercise "Monk Claps"

Raise your arms along the body and connect with cotton in front of the chest (Fig. 32, a), then lower them down and take them back (Fig. 32, b). Raising your arms, bend them at the elbows, and lowering, straighten your elbows and freely throw your arms back.
Выполните упражнение 6four раза.

Rice. 32

Exercise "Roar shakes the vault of heaven"

Take a deep breath in through your nose, pause briefly, and then slowly exhale through your open mouth, making a growling sound that turns into a noisy exhalation.
Во время выдоха медленно отведите руки в стороны под углом four5° (рис. 33).
Выполните упражнение 7–one2 раз.
It should be remembered that inhalation and exhalation should be deep, long and “thin”. You can also "roar" to yourself. End the dilution of the hands should be in the middle of the exhalation.

Rice. 33

Exercise "Lion shakes his mane"

Слегка сгибая и разгибая колени, потряхивайте руками с боков перед собой так, чтобы, подобно пружине, сотрясалось все тело (рис. 3four).
Выполните упражнение 7–one2 раз.
Make sure that while shaking the hands, fingers and the whole body are relaxed.

Rice. 3four

Exercise "Monk beats bows"

Connect the hands. Bending your arms at the elbows, raise the connected hands up and lightly hit them on the chest (Fig. 35, a).
Then, leaning forward, bend your knees slightly and make a bow, lower the connected brushes down and gently hit them on the lower abdomen (Fig. 35, b).
Выполните упражнение 6four раза.

Rice. 35

The peculiarity of this exercise is that men put their right hand on their left, and women put their left on their right.
Make sure that the movements are performed evenly and slowly, with a gradual increase in the amplitude of inclinations and squats.

Exercise "Hands describe the Great Circle"
Raise your hands to the level of the belt and perform alternately forward-return movements. The arms should move parallel to the floor.
Make sure that during the forward movement the brush is directed with the palm down, and during the return movement - with the palm up.
Following the movements of the hands, make alternate movements with the legs, reminiscent of walking in place. At the same time, actively work with your pelvis and do not take your socks off the floor (Fig. 36).
Выполните упражнение 6four раза.

Rice. 36

Exercise "Pulling the golden thread"

Without lowering your arms after the previous exercise, turn your hands with your palms facing each other (Fig. 37, a). Slightly sticking out and then drawing in the chest and stomach, make the spine perform a wave-like movement. At the same time, bring and spread the hands in front of the stomach (Fig. 37, b).
Выполните упражнение 6four раза.

Rice. 37

Make sure that the spreading and mixing of the hands is accompanied by a slight flexion and extension of the knees.

Exercise "Whirlwind plays with a lotus flower"

Поднимите руки к животу, повернув правую кисть ладонью вверх, а левую – ладонью вниз (рис. 3eight, а).
Вращайте тазом 6four раза против часовой стрелки.

Rice. 3eight

Сделав короткую паузу, поменяйте положение кистей и выполните 6four вращательных движения тазом по часовой стрелке (рис. 3eight, б).
Make sure that the arms and the whole body rotate along with the pelvis.

Exercise "Rotation of the celestial circle"
Put the right hand on the left hand and place them in front of the stomach (Fig. 39, a).
First with the left hand, and after it with the right hand from the bottom up, from the inside outside describe an oval. Сделайте 6four вращения.
Выдержав короткую паузу, 6four раза опишите руками овал, вращая их в обратную side.

Rice. 39

Make sure that the hands do not rise above the throat at the top, and do not fall below the crotch at the bottom (Fig. 39, b, c).

Exercise "Monk merges with heaven"

Continuing the previous exercise, spread your arms to the sides in front of your stomach with palms facing each other, imagining that you are holding a ball in your hands. Ноги слегка согнуты в коленях (рис. four0).

Rice. four0

Relax your whole body. "Cultivate peace" for 5 minutes.
This exercise can also be performed with arms freely lowered along the body, eyes closed. The main condition is complete relaxation.

Final exercise

Put your hands together with your palms facing each other and slowly raise them towards your chest. Побудьте некоторое время в таком положении (рис. fourone), а затем растирайте руки до появления ощущения тепла.
Rub them on your face and pat on your body.

Rice. fourone

Iron Qigong

A characteristic element of traditional qigong was the performance of certain sets of exercises. They had the character of a ritual that introduced a person to the omnipotence of natural or divine forces, to the wisdom and perfection of the legendary founder of the wushu school.
In many Shaolin monasteries, the tasks of preparing for hand-to-hand combat receded into the background, and the goals of improving the body and personality of a person dominated. In this case, sets of exercises served as a means of psychophysiological training.
The main task of military (iron) qigong is the accumulation, redistribution and use of various types of energy in the human body and its environment. It is used to mobilize efforts during attacks, to protect and control the enemy.
Now there are about 600 different types of military qigong.
Over the centuries, special rules have been developed to help the student master the qigong technique. Считалось, что лучшее время для таких занятий – с 23 часов до one часа ночи или с 3 до 5 часов утра. You can't exercise either too full or too hungry. Before classes, you need to relax, free your mind from extraneous thoughts, wash your hands and face, rinse your mouth. You need to engage in wide clothing that does not restrict movement. After workout You can't swim in cold water.
Mastering new types of exercises, one should gradually move from simple to complex, from slow to fast, from light strokes to heavy ones. В течение первых four–5 месяцев занятий необходимо смазывать кожу специальными лекарственными кремами и мазями, чтобы защитить ее от повреждений.
During training, you need to keep the body upright, concentrating the will in the lower abdomen (just below the level of the navel), try


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