Message: #67210
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:03

The power of Shaolin. Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong is the ancient secret of immortality. Yi Shen

and coordinate movements with breathing.
These exercise is good for people with debilitated health. For classes, you need to prepare a wooden or bamboo stick with a diameter of about 2 cm and a length of about a meter.

Exercise "Hands up"

Starting position: стойка естественная, ноги параллельно друг другу на ширине плеч, корпус прямой и расслабленный. Hands hold a stick in front of the chest; the distance between the hands is 60–70 cm.
On inspiration, the hands holding the stick rise up above the head.
On exhalation, the stick lowers to its original position.
Please note that you need to lift the stick up slowly, using internal effort; keep your head straight. The downward movement of the stick should also be slow, synchronous with breathing.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз.

Exercise "Hands forward"

Starting position: то же.
On an inhale, push the stick forward with your hands parallel to the ground.
On exhalation, the stick returns to the chest to its original position.
Please note that when pushing the arms forward and returning to the starting position, the stick moves parallel to the ground. It uses inner strength. Movements must be synchronized with breathing.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз.

Exercise "Turn left and right"

Starting position: то же.
On an inhale, push the stick forward with your hands parallel to the ground.
As you exhale, turn your body to the left. The hands holding the stick also turn to the left, as far as possible, while remaining parallel to the ground; exhale at the same time.
On the second breath, return to the pose with arms outstretched forward.
As you exhale, return the stick to your chest.
Please note: when turning left or right, the hands with the stick move the maximum distance.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз в каждую side.

Exercise "Dragon Dance"

Starting position: то же.
While inhaling, swing the stick to the left and up.
As you exhale, lower the stick naturally, describing a circle with it in front of your chest.
On the second breath, swing the stick to the right and up.
As you exhale, lower the stick naturally, describing a circle with it in front of your chest.
Please note that the arms should be straightened when turning. Movements are performed continuously, while the stick rises to its maximum height.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз в каждую side.

Exercise "Kneading the hip joints"

Starting position: встаньте прямо в естественную позу, ступни должны быть параллельны друг другу на ширине плеч, носки обращены forward. Hands horizontally hold a stick, which is located on the back of the neck.
На вдохе наклоните корпус forward.
As you exhale, return to the starting position.
On the second breath, tilt the body back.
As you exhale, return to the starting position.
On the third breath, tilt the body to the left.
As you exhale, return to the starting position.
On the fourth breath, tilt the body to the right.
As you exhale, return to the starting position.
Please note that the forward, backward, left and right bends are made to the maximum extent possible, while the knees do not bend, the legs remain straight.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз, делая по четыре вдоха-выдоха.

Exercise "Mahi legs"
Starting position: то же.
As you inhale, remove the stick from your neck, bring it to your chest and push your arms forward parallel to the ground, while inhaling.
As you exhale, swing your left leg up to the right and at the same time move the stick back to the left.
On the second breath, return the stick to its original position.
As you exhale, swing your right foot up to the left and at the same time move the stick to the right and back.
Please note that while swinging your legs, you should straighten your foot, do swings as much as possible. Simultaneously with the swings, the arms with the stick are pulled back to failure.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз, делая по два вдоха-выдоха.

Exercise "Hands over the head"

Starting position: стоя в естественной стойке, держа палку перед бедрами.
While inhaling, lift the stick up and at the same time take the straight left leg back.
As you exhale, lower the stick and return to the starting position.
On the second breath, lift the stick up while taking the straight right leg back.
Exhale as you lower the stick and return to the starting position.
Please note: you need to lift the stick up and take your leg back synchronously. In this case, the body should stretch as much as possible.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз.

Exercise "Bending the lower back and knees"

Starting position: то же.
As you inhale, raise the stick above your head.
As you exhale, lower the stick down, as if experiencing reverse resistance, and at the same time bend lower back
On the second breath, push the stick forward, parallel to the ground, and bend your knees at the same time.
On an exhalation, return the stick to the position in front of the hips and return to the starting stance.
Please note that when lowering the stick with downward pressure, the knees are straightened, and the lower back is bent as much as possible.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз.

Exercise "Pump"

Starting position: то же.
As you inhale, raise the stick above your head and bend your knees at the same time.
As you exhale, lower the stick naturally to chest level and return to the starting position.
Please note that bending the knees and raising the arms up should be done synchronously.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз.

Exercise "Peacock"

Starting position: то же, только левая нога на полшага выдвинута forward.
While inhaling, raise the stick horizontally above the head, straighten the chest, lift the right heel off the ground and transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, while inhaling.
As you exhale, lower the stick down to a position in front of your left thigh.
Please note: when lifting the stick up, straightening the chest and lifting the heel off the ground must be performed synchronously.
Repeat упражнение 2one раз.


People who want to improve their health need to devote more time to energy training practices.
In case of hypertension, it is necessary to exclude the execution of "Khen-haah" breathing and the respiratory complex.
People with limited mobility should do all the exercises available to them. In relation to practices that are inaccessible for full-fledged implementation, the “as if” method is used. It lies in the fact that you should try to complete an exercise that is difficult for you, at least partially, to the best of your ability, imagining and feeling at the same time that you are doing it in full. With diligence, the “as if” method gives excellent results, allowing you to restore or compensate for lost mobility.
In the initial period of classes, the existing diseases are exacerbated. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is a natural process - the cure begins with an exacerbation. Have the courage to keep practicing and you will notice a significant improvement. Обострение может продлиться от 2 до four недель.
Beginners may experience joint and muscle pain after exercise. If this phenomenon does not limit mobility and lasts no more than two months - everything is fine. Pain is associated with regenerative processes in the joints and muscles.
An increase in appetite - the so-called zhor - is a natural phenomenon for those involved in oriental gymnastics. An increase in appetite is associated with a greater need for energy in the body for internal restructuring. Eat plenty and do not be afraid - you will not get fat. There may also be an increase in the need for sleep.
Directly during classes, you may feel a slight itch, feel cool or warm, rumbling in the stomach, profuse salivation may begin. All this indicates the activity of your internal qi energy. Do not be distracted by these phenomena - just do it and that's it.
Gymnastics during menstruation and during pregnancy are not contraindicated. However, it is necessary to focus on the area of ​​the solar plexus.



Xin Wu Wei. "Ancient Chinese gymnastics Taijiquan". СПб.: Нева, twenty0four.
Lin Huusheng, Peiyu Luo. "Chinese gymnastics Qigong". Рипол, twenty0one.
Korovin O. "Taiji Quan. Yang Style". М.: ACT, twenty06.
Ding L., Sutomo B. "Qigong of the Great Ultimate". Fromд-во С. Подгорнова, twenty03.
Serebryansky Y. "Secrets of Tibetan Kung Fu". twenty06.

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